
What is some popular music in italy?

by Guest58496  |  earlier

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What is some popular music in italy?




  1. Hi, i'm italian and i sing in a popular music group. We play music tipically of the south of Italy as : Tarantella and "Tammurriata" (from Naples), "Pizzica" from the city of Bari.

    This songs are played with  tambourine, castanets and  barrel organ

  2. music like in the rest of the world i am italian and i like METAL but in italy is popolar House music and  italian hip hop this days like mondo marcio and fabri fibra ciao !!! (give ten points if you want )

  3. Non me ne intendo però Ferro va forte.

    La tarantella la balliamo per spennare i turisti stereotipati.

  4. for tipycal music, there are lot of groups ad singers: enzo avitabile, tony esposito or sud sound system!!! but there are lot of great musicians: PINO DANIELE

    or JAMES SENESE, then there are francesco de gregori( I would like ti recommend you to listen to his song LA DONNA CANNONE it's simply amazing!!!) gino paoli, eduado de crescenzo, ANTONELLO VENDITTI!!!!

    enjoy the paradise!!!

  5. Tarantella

  6. tizaino ferro & biago antonacci...

    as well as alot of american music

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