
What is some surf slang that surfer say?

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What is some surf slang that surfer say?




  1. cowabunka dude

  2. gnarly/killer/wicked wave...



    and they always seem to say a normal word and add - licious or -ocity after it.

  3. hang 10 lol

  4. I gotta know why you wanna know?

  5. Hehe you want to be able to cozy up to surfer boi's and surprise them that you know their lingo??

    Do some searches for anything Aussie (barbie for bbq, brekkie for breakfast, tinny for a tin beer can, etc)

    You'll be cute :o)

  6. A



    A trick where the board takes off from the lip of a wave and after travelling lands back on the face of the wave and continuing.



    A peak-shaped wave, with nice left and right shoulders, and the highest point of the crest in the middle of the peak.


    Ankle Slop

    Waves too small to ride.



    A heavy wipeout, usually involving the wave's lip impacting directly onto a surfer. Also called drilled, pummeled, etc.





    Surfing while facing away from the wave (also, backside).



    Refers to the position in which you are facing the wave. Surfing backside means that the posterior portion of your body is facing the wave face and your anterior portion is facing the beach.


    Bail, Bail out

    To abandon or ditch one's surfboard before getting wiped out by the wave, either paddling out, or while riding the wave.



    A new/untalented surfer. Also see jake; kook.



    The space inside a hollow, breaking wave between the lip and face. A surfer may be completely hidden from view during a barrel ride, especially from shore. Another name for "tube" or "shack-tar".


    Beach break

    Waves breaking on a sand bottom beach.


    Blown Out

    Surf condition in which either onshore (most prominent) or offshore winds have eliminated the ridable sections of waves, reducing them to chop or mush.


    Body Surfing

    Surfing a wave using only the body or minimal equipment such as fins (flippers) and/or a hand surfing device.



    Bomb means a very large wave, well beyond the session's normal wave size.



    Australian term for big waves breaking further out (over submerged rocks) and isolated by deep water. Also called bombie or cloudbreak.


    Boogie board

    A short, soft foam board used for bodyboarding. Also known as a body board or a sponge or (in Australia) esky lid.



    1. The lowest section of the face of an unbroken wave.

    2. The lower surface of a surfboard.


    Bottom turn

    A turn at the bottom of the wave face.




    Caught inside

    When a surfer is on the "inside" and trapped between the shoreline and breaking waves. Oncoming waves can make paddling back outside difficult, hence being "caught" in an undesirable position. This usually means the surfer will have to wait for a lull between the larger breaking waves for a chance to slip into clear water.

    Caught Inside is also a 1996 book by Daniel Duane about his surfing experiences (ISBN 086547494X).



    1. Design feature of a surfboard to guide water along its underside.

    2. A trench between sand banks or reefs. Often associated with a strong current.



    Surf condition in which the waves are inconsistent, broken, or generally irregular (see, Blown Out).



    Smooth waves, usually good surfing conditions.


    Clean-up set

    A much larger wave or a set of waves, which breaks further outside than normal. A clean-up set usually "cleans" the line-up of surfers caught further inside.


    Close out

    An undesirable situation in which a wave does not break uniformly along its length. Instead one or more sections of the wave break ahead of the section the surfer is riding.



    (Aussie Slang) Term used to describe a member of a Surf lifesaving club.



    A classic surfing move used to change direction when streaking ahead of the curl of a wave with a powerful turn back towards the breaking part of the wave (white water). Cutbacks are an important element in surfing as the maneuver repositions the surfer closer to the power of the wave. See also Roundhouse cutback.




    Dawn patrol

    Literally going surfing at dawn. An early morning surf session before sunrise. This time usually offers the least crowded and cleanest conditions before the winds pick up.



    The upper surface of a surfboard.



    Slang for delaminated. A condition of surfboard fiberglass, usually on the deck, where the fiberglass has deteriorated and separated from the foam core, thus creating an unfavorable surface for standing.



    Damage, usually a hole or dent, to the surfboard.


    Double Overhead

    A wave twice as tall as its rider.



    A reference to the direction further along the crest of a wave from the location from where a surfer drops into the wave. The direction toward which the surfer is riding. Waves can also be described as "down-the-line" when the wall is long and fast.


    Drop in

    Taking off on a wave that is already being ridden by another surfer. Contrary to good etiquette.


    Duck dive

    A method for getting through a broken or large wave without being washed towards the shore. Basically, pushing the surfboard and one's body under the wave.



    A fellow surfer; friend; companion.




    Eddie would go

    A reference to legendary waterman Eddie Aikau renowned for taking on waves others would shy away from.

    (Eddie Would Go is also a band from Melbourne, Australia [1].)


    Endless Summer

    A 1966 documentary film which follows surfers around the world as they look for a perfect surfing spot. It was written, directed and narrated by Bruce Brown. A sequel, The Endless Summer 2, was released in 1994.



    An adjective to describe an excellent surf session, a great wave, etc. Example: "how was it yesterday? Ah dude, it was epic!"


    Eskimo roll

    A method for getting through a broken or large wave without being washed towards the shore. Basically, rolling the board over so the water rushes over the underside (which is facing upwards). Also known as a turtle roll.





    Unbroken, forward-facing portion of the wave, where most waveriding occur.


    Far Out

    Used to describe an amazing wave ride experience. This is NOT a surfing term and you will never hear a surfer use it unless its on a tv commercial.


    Fin Chop

    Injury caused by the fins of a board, usually someone elses.



    Frontside or backside maneuver that involves "floating" over the broken part of a wave and re-entering the more ridable crest.



    Surfing while facing toward the wave (also, frontside. See backhand/backside).



    Refers to your body position in relation to the wave face. Surfing 'frontside' means that the anterior portion of your body is facing the wave face and your posterior portion is facing the beach.



    Main article: funboard

    A surfboard somewhere between a shortboard and a mini-mal, designed for ease of surfing in a range of conditions.




    Getting worked!

    (US Slang) A term for getting hit hard by a wave, a set, or wiping out in a spectacular manner. Example: "check it out, that dude got worked!"



    A young girl surfer.

    See article Gidget.



    A very favorable, windless surf condition in which the texture of the ocean surface is ultra-smooth, like glass.


    Glass House

    < "Surfs Up" by Louise Southerden, and common usage -->

    The inside of a tube.



    Heavy, intense waves or situations. Very often overused.



    A surfer who places their right leg forward while surfing. This is more common for a left handed person, although may not necessarily relate to a person's "handedness". See also natural footed, the opposite stance.


    Goat Boat

    A mildly derogatory term used to describe a waveski or surfski used in the surf.


    Going Off

    A term to describe very good, consistent surf. Example: "check it out, bro. It's just going off!" Also refers to a surfer who is surfing particularly well.


    Green Room

    < "Surfs Up" by Louise Southerden, and common usage -->

    The inside of a tube.



    Young surfer. Sometimes shortened to "grom". Can also refer to children in general, not just those who surf.



    A long narrow board designed for surfing big waves. The term comes from elephant gun, a big board being needed for big waves in the same way a big gun imagined necessary for big animals.




    Hang five

    A long-boarding trick in which the toes of one foot are curled around the nose of the surfboard.


    Hang ten

    An advanced longboarding trick in which the toes of both feet are curled around nose of the surfboard.

    See also Hang Ten clothing brand.


    Hold down

    To be held underwater by a wave. A two-wave hold down is to be held down while two waves pass over. A hold down usually feels much longer than it actually is.



    A type of wave that is really more like two because the more obvious, larger wave, has another wave developing from its wave face. Also known as a "double-up."




    Impact Zone

    Where the waves are breaking.



    The takeoff position on a wave closest to the curl than any other surfer. Also "caught inside": being located inshore of the breaking waves or inside the impact zone or break line.





    A wave condition in which a swell rises very quickly as it passes from deeper water to shallow water. A radical shoaling process caused by an extreme variation in water depth as the swell hits the shallow reef or ocean floor. Often creates very hollow and intense waves that appear to grow suddenly in height; thus "jacking up".



    (Aussie Slang) A jake, or rockaway jake, is somebody in the line-up and unconsciously causing trouble or problems for their fellow surfers. A jake is usually a beginning surfer and surfers use jake similar to how netizens use newbie.

    Also see kook




    Kick out

    A controlled exit from the wave by riding up and over the top of the wave.



    (Aussie Slang) A kneeboard rider.



    Any person who is in the line-up and unconsciously causing trouble or problems for their fellow surfers. A kook is usually a beginning surfer and surfers use kook similar to how netizens use newbie. Can also be used as an insult.

    Also see jake. And see also cartoon Wilbur Kookmeyer.





    A maneuver where the surfer leans back off his/her board, usually during a cutback.



    A cord used to prevent the board being washed away from the surfer. Surfboard leashes are usually attached to the ankle, whereas bodyboard leashes are usually attached to the wrist. Also called "leg rope."


    Line up

    The Line up is often mistakenly thought to be the line of surfers waiting for waves just beyond the breaking waves.

    The phrase was originally used, and still is, to describe the line a breaking wave follows. From when the wave starts breaking, following the line of the reef or sandbank. The "line up" is used to decribe the rideable part of the wave that a surfer will follow. To paddle through the line up is considered to be both dangerous and rude behaviour. This is a mistake often made by many beginner surfers, resulting in frigtening near misses or dangerous accidents.





    (US Slang) When waves are really big and firing with massive size. The waves don't have to be good, just big. Also, when the swell is peaking. (After Mack trucks.)



    See main article: milfy

    An adjective that means extraordinary or exceptional. Originated in SoCal during spring 2006.


    Malibu Surfboard

    60's style longboard, made with heavy glass, long parrell 50/50 rails, and deep single fin. Made especially for triming, (walking the board) and for noseriding. Aussie's use the term "mal" for most all longboards.



    A surf condition in which waves are crumbly and soft without any steepness or much energy. Gutless and weak.





    A surfer who publicly uses the name of a secret surfing spot. The term is highly derogatory, as naming, especially on the internet, is considered a key causative factor for large crowds.


    Natural footed

    A surfer who places their left leg forward while surfing. This is usual for a right handed person. Often called "Regular footed" in the U.S. See also Goofy footed, the opposite stance.



    (Aussie Slang) A shark. From rhyming slang, Noah's ark — shark.



    The front of the board.


    Nose guard

    A rubber tip stuck to the nose of a board to reduce injury if it strikes someone.


    Nose ride

    A maneuver in which the surfer walks to the front of the surfboard and rides on the nose. It is usually only possible on a surfboard of 8' or longer.

    --- Nug---

    Slang for a good wave (Golden Nugget)





    A re-entry. Turning the board quickly off the top of the wave to come back down into the face of the wave.



    The area outside of the lineup or break line where surfers in the lineup initially observe sets of waves as they approach. Often a term used to warn other surfers in the lineup that a new set of waves is approaching. "Outside!" Same as "out-the-back" (often used by Australian surfers.)



    Wave heights taller than the surfer riding it. Often used as a measurement scale of waves such as 2 feet overhead, three feet overhead, double overhead, triple overhead. Etc.



    The worst kind of wipeout in which a surfer is sucked back over the top of the wave as it breaks, and free-falls down with the lip (the most powerful part of the wave). This type of wipeout can cause bad injuries because the surfer will likely hit the reef or ocean floor.





    Where a wave forms in a manner that the surfer is able to go both right or left from the take off.



    A wipeout caused when the nose or front of the surfboard digs into the water, generally causing the surfer to tip-off forward. Usually occurs when dropping into a steep part of a wave.



    Pipeline is a world famous surf spot on the North Shore of Oahu so known because it lays downs tubed waves like pipe being laid down.



    The section of a wave just ahead of the broken section, where the face is at its steepest.



    Variety of surf break when waves wrap around a point of land creating perfectly lined up, peeling waves. The waves actually interact with the bottom contours just offshore of the point to refract and wrap around the point.


    Pope's living room

    The inside of a tube. The same as green room.


    Pull in

    The process of turning the surfboard up to enter the barrel or the tube.


    Pull out

    See "kick out".





    A novice, and often annoying, surfer.



    A surfer's collection of boards.



    A maneuver named after the character from the hunch back Notre Dame. The surfer resembles the Quasimodo becaue of his/her posture they are bending waiting to enter the barrel. Typically performed by long borders.





    The edge or sides of the board.



    (Aussie Slang) See article Rash guard.



    Turning on the lip of the wave to come back down into the face of the wave.



    (Aussie Slang) A surf session that is undertaken despite adverse conditions, e.g., "It was totally blow, but we were dying to get our gills wet; we went for the regardo."



    Spanish word meaning rich, perfect. Example" I caught some ricos today."


    Rip current

    A channel of water, or a current, heading out to sea. Often simply known as a rip. Recognizeable by choppy whitewater and sea junk going out to sea.



    The longways curvature of the underside of a board. More rocker means a more curved board, less means a flatter board. Generally a flatter board goes faster, but some curve is needed to stop the nose digging into the water, or to "fit" the curve of the wave.


    Rooster tail

    The trail of spray when a surfer hits the lip very hard, causing spray to shoot out at nearby surfers.


    Roundhouse cutback

    A complete 180-degree directional change in which the surfer turns from the shoulder all the way back into the curl or whitewater of the breaking wave, before completing the ride. A very advanced maneuver, which is difficult to complete if enough speed isn't carried throughout the entire 180-degree turn. A roundhouse cutback is usually complemented by a foam bounce recovery off the approaching whitewater.




    Sand for Brains

    Term directed at surfers and other beach sports. The term Implies that the individual has no brain only sand.


    Schwip Thing

    an item used to scrape the wax from a surfboard. Often a deodorant lid or milk bottle lid is used to good effect.



    A segment of a total wave. It resembles what they call in music, "a bar or measure."



    (Aussie Slang) An American. Used in Australia, mildly derogatory. From rhyming slang: septic tank – yank.



    A group of waves, usually large, that come in from the "outside." Surfers usually paddle towards the outside (towards the horizon) when they spot a good set.



    A dangerous condition, due to high tide or larger surf, where the waves break in one single "wall" onto the beach, often in shallow water. Getting caught in shorepound can be an unpleasant experience. Also called "shorebreak" in some areas.



    A wetsuit with short legs and short, or no, arms. Sometimes known as a spring suit.



    The very edge of a breaking wave that is unbroken.


    Shoulder Hopper

    A surfer who deliberately takes off on the shoulder of a wave as opposed to its central peak or bowl, often out of fear and/or due to overcrowded conditions, usually not bothering to look for others already riding the wave and as a result outright or nearly dropping in on others ("shoulder hopping"). Almost always derogatory.



    To surf hard in the worst conditions. To surf at one's best when the surf is particularly bad.



    (US Slang) A noun or a verb. Used to describe someone who deliberately "drops in" in front of a surfer who has the right-of-way. Also, someone who quickly sneaks behind another surfer with the right-of-way, putting his/her self in position to take more waves. Example: "Watch out for that guy, he's a serious snake!" Or: "You snaked me!"


    Speed Bump

    Derogatory phrase used to describe a Bodyboarder.



    Bodyboarder, typically used in a derogatory context.



    A method to slow the surfboard to allow a wave to catch or overtake it. Performed by stepping to the tail of the surfboard or simply leaning back and resting one's weight on one's trailing foot.



    A wetsuit with long arms and long legs.



    A slang term for a surfboard






    (US West Coast Slang) A "kook" or a "barney." i.e. a new/untalented surfer. Can also refer to local college students who are ignorant of proper surf etiquette and usually of questionable surfing ability. Example: "watch out for that peak, it's loaded with stu's!"



    Collective term for the breaking and near-breaking waves at a beach, in which surfing takes place.



    Not a sport. But a lifestyle...but technically, a sport.



    You can be a great technical surfer but with out style and flow you are just a surfer to be a great surfer you need to draw influence from the past and identify your own unique way of surfing the wave. See Michael Peterson



    Riding with one's wrong foot forward, ie. opposite to one's usual natural/goofy preference.

    Or, a surfer who can ride with either foot forward. Generally such a surfer will ride forehand in both directions.





    The rear of the board.


    Tail pad

    Rubber non-slip pad stuck to the top of the board near the tail where the surfer's rear foot goes. Used instead of wax, generally used only on a shortboard.


    Take off

    To catch a wave and begin the ride.



    Pronounced "three-sixty". A trick involving turning the board through a full circle on the face of the wave.



    Main article: Thruster (surfing)

    A surfboard with three fins. Designed by Simon Anderson in 1980 and now used on almost all shortboards.



    The condition of a surfboard connected to a submerged surfer after a wipeout. A surfboard that appears to be bobbing up and down on the surface of the ocean due to the underwater anchoring point, e.g., the unseen surfer, is tombstoning.



    The inside of a hollow wave.



    The act of surfing inside the curl of a breaking wave.



    A paddling maneuver to help reduce resistance when paddling through whitewater, by rolling the surfboard upside down (with the fins up), and then holding on to the rails of the surfboard while underwater as the whitewater passes overhead. Used especially with longboards because the board's increased flotation makes "duckdiving" (the preferred method) difficult.







    A US Slang term for Australian surfers. Not very polite. Implies that Australians are descended from convicts. Sometimes used as a comeback for "Seppo."




    Walter Style

    referance to a good surfer/lifeguard whose riding style is smooth and relaxed. "He is rideing Walter Style."



    Obsolete term for a keen surfer. It comes from the 1960s when boards were heavy solid wood and were carried balanced on the head, wax-side down, getting wax in the surfers hair.



    A neoprene (rubber) garment used for surfing in winter or when it is cold. Orinially invented by Jack O'Neill, founder of famous surfing brand, O'Neill wetsuits. Also known as a 'Wettie' in Australia.


    Wettie warmer

    (Aussie Slang) Urinating in one's wetsuit. Widely practiced, though it's not a good idea because, as well as being rather unhygenic, the chemicals in urine can cause the rubber in a wetsuit to deteriorate more rapidly than normal. In cold water it helps one feel warmer though.



    Slang term for a Re-entry. Where maximum spray is thrown out the back of the wave from the vigorous motion of the board hitting the top of the wave.

    Also known as "Thwack"


    White water

    A frothy, broken wave.


    Wipe out

    Terminating a ride, ungracefully (as in falling off your surfboard!).

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