
What is something about yourself that people cannot tell just by looking at you?

by  |  earlier

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I have two:

I am an accountant with a personality.

I live in Las Vegas & yes my b*****s are real. (which is not common) :)

Thanks all & have a great day!




  1. People don't know how sharp I am.  They look at my 330lb body and assume I'm stupid.

  2. bascially anything that is important about what kind of person you are

  3. I do software testing and am kind of geeky however most people wouldn't expect me to be really interested in cars and how they work.

  4. yess... i am actually not a s**t

  5. well i look hispanic but i'm actually asian/native american/white and i'm from oklahoma, so people are surprised when i open my mouth and they hear a nice southern accent instead of a spanish one.  

    people also assume that i love country music. i hate country music and love old school rap.

  6. Something people can't tell about me is that I am really into playing soccer, I am pretty small and I don't look like i'd like soccer.... but I love it =)

  7. I am an honor roll student at a university (i look like a party animal and definitely someone not in school :) )


    and I am hispanic (people say i look egyptian, lol, and i am always asked if i speak spanish at work.)

  8. that I'm not easy, I mean just last friday some guys where hitting on me until I told them off by saying " just cause I dress good when I'm in the streets does not mean I'm a prostitute" xD you should have seen the look on their faces!

  9. I'm a world class computer programmer.

    If you talk to me and ask me what i do for a living, i'll say, "I do something with computers."  Most get that snow in front of their eyes, like the TV is tuned to a non-station.  But a few will say that they know something about it and ask if i know Java.  I have to be careful, though, because the snow isn't far away.

  10. They don't know that I'm only wrinkled on the outside~

    (inside, I'm still 17)

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