
What is something crazy that you love?

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I can't live without post-its haha

And I live for the movie Showgirls ;]

..the best line from that movie is "You can have me when you love me" haha




  1. ugh i kinda like feeling like c**p lol. sometimes just a little....i swear im not into that s&m hardcore stuff. heck but yeah its crazy. i only like it at first but then i know whats best for me.

    it usually happens when girls/guys play with my i like it but then i get tired of it and move on.

  2. I'm crazy about stationary. I have this weird obsession for pens, pencils, coloured pens, highlighters, paper, coloured paper, paperclips, rulers, erasers, card, ink pens...and your favourite, post-it notes! ;-) I have them in all the colours too...and I stick them inside my books...

    I don't know why I have this love of stationary. My girlfriend always knows to buy me a pen whenever she's out and I have a huge collection of the stuff at home.  

  3. This si going to sound weird but I have a crazy love for hand sanitizer and mustard.... eww not together!

    I annoy everyone with my hand sanitizer but I'm a clean freak.

    And well I put mustard on everything I eat, I mean everything. From Mac and Cheese to chips to vegetables. I know weird but I hate ketchup.

  4. i love to sneak around to some restrants and **** my girlfriend i have done it in more than 17 different restrants it feals good to be sneaky;-}

  5. My boyfriend, I know that cliché but were kinda long distance and only see each other at weekends so whenever I go to bed and can smell his aftershave or him in general off my tshirt. It just makes me so happy.  

  6. i love the feel of the white ribbons off the tiffany's boxes.  

  7. Why would you want to marry me anyhow, so I can kiss you anytime i want sweet home alabama many more movie lines....I love sitting on the shoreline listening to the ocean waves crashing down. Most would probably find it boring but its very soothing

  8. I love masks, hand made masquerade style. I also have gargoyle statues around the house.

  9. HAHHA. Post-its?

    That's amazing.

    I really enjoy ketchup.

    And the movie From Justin to Kelly.

    Yes, I'm being serious.

    AND the Myscene movies. ..Oh, and the Trollz ones, as well.

    Although, not so much anymore.

    But the first three, yeah.

    I'm special. I go from watching a foreign film to Wow! Wow! Wubzy.

    At least I'm balanced.

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