
What is something embarassing that could happen to u in France?

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  1. Use one word with multiple meanings in the wrong sense.

    For example, the word 'queue' in French means tail, queue (queuing or hair style), and... erh... male organ.

    Don't ever use a possessive when talking to a man or about a man (your, his...) with that word.


    It happened to one of my English friends who wanted to remark on someone's hair style and I'm still laughing years later

  2. You could get too drunk and wake up the next day in jail and find out that you had been walking around naked at place de la concord singing the marseillase.

  3. You could speak poor french and ask a policier "If he would like to spend the night with you for a few euros". Instead of something else you had meant to ask.

  4. You could be the only single woman on a business trip, with a bunch of people who know French (which you don't), and one of them, while you are in a disco, tells you to go up to a group of men and offer them sexual favors, in French, which you don't understand.  

    Happened to a friend of mine.

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