
What is something interresting about the radio?

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i am doing an assignment in school about radios and i cant find anything interesting




  1. This link should start you in the right direction.

    The real patent holder of radio transmission is really not Guglielmo Marconi as the text books would have it ( the Supreme Court gave the rights back to Tesla in 1943) but Nikola Tesla, who had the patents years before Marconi. As the other poster states and that quite a few people were working on transmission of radio waves at this time.

    If this paper is for a high school or college physics class it should stir some interest with the teachers.

  2. There is a controversy over the inventor of the radio. An inventor named Nathan B Stubblefied actually invented the radio, but the credit was given to someone else. I believe the other guy might have stole his patent. Mr. Stubblefield was actually born in the small city that I grew up in. It is a small Kentucky city named Murray. You should google Nathan B. Stubblefield it should get yoi started.

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