
What is something magical in your life right now?

by  |  earlier

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A work experience, an inspiration of the sort tell me something that you feel has a magical essence to your life experience right now??




  1. my relationship with the lord! =]

  2. i know this is probably the typical answer, but for me, its the truth - to know that every second that goes by is one second closer to him coming home... my man is my knight in shining armour who saved me from my world of doubt... i have reasons to get up in the morning, i am now a step mother which helps to complete me, and i am his woman, and he is my man and i have never been so proud...

    i know, sounds a little pathetic, but when you have someone who becomes your other half, and you are a team, it, for me, is truley magical!!!

  3. when I think about him ,He is infront of me

  4. That guy.:P

    Actually yeah,and although "magical" seems to me to be too romantic a word,a new friend I've made,who's helped me move on a bit,since I'd been stuck in mental staleness for what I think,for my personal standards and expectations, was not a short period of time.I needed this refreshing feeling; I am ,to say the least, grateful for all the inspiration.

  5. my 11wk old daughter and my husband!

  6. The odd assortment of "friends" I have made through Y! Answers.

  7. The most magickal thing we have is life it's always changing

  8. My bunny rabbit. I reach in any hat and BOOM! there he is.

  9. The fact that I traveled 160 miles and afterwards it felt like a non-experience .

  10. The fact that I'm alive and unharmed after my car accident.  It was's a miracle.  God was protecting me that day, that's all it could have been.

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