
What is something naughty but funny your dog has done??

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My dog Loki was standing next to me when i was making everyone's lunch. The guy next door was getting a tree cut down so I went to the door and looked outside. When I came back, there was Loki standing on the bench with the food half gone. I took him off and I all could do was laugh. He is my only dog that has learnt that little trick from the cats.




  1. I found an eye ball in my dog's p**p when I was cleaning it up.... I had been looking for it for a few days!!! (It came with clay that my kids play with.)

  2. ha great question! Zara, my sweet one year old cocker spaniel, will bark at the hose or the sprinkler, and try to grasp the water, as if it were a pole, or a string or something!!!

  3. My weimeriner peed on my aunts shitzsu heads

    He opened up the fridge and ate 2 of 3 t bone steaks

    and opened the fridge and ate our cheez its lol


  4. =D Cody thought it would be a funny idea when we had company to take every ones shoes, bring them into the living room and untie the laces if they had any!  

    Em thought my sister's leg was a walking tree and peed right on her leg the first week we brought him home! He also thinks the lawn mower is a horrible monster out to get him!

  5. My dog and I were sitting on the sofa, watching Jeremy Kyle, when the window cleaner popped up and started doing his "thing". Domino immediately reacted by screaming his t!*s off. He howled directly into my right ear and it felt like my eardrum had split or something.

    Now I'm partially deaf, and Domino no longer gets his Animal Crackers, lol.

  6. cute puppy!!

    my puppy Blaze is a border collie/black lab mix. he's pretty big and clumsy, but the cutest thing ever! anyway, a few months ago, i was making some of my homemade chocolate chip cookies (they're the best!) and i had to go to the bathroom. i was only in there for a few minutes, but when i came out, there was flour, sugar, and vanilla spilled all over the floor...and Blaze was nowhere to be found. i found him in my bed, almost all white (he's mostly black) and trying to l**k the flour off, sneezing furiously. i almost died laughing.

  7. We used to have a Boxer puppy. We bought her a foam rubber bed which was at the top of the stairs. She pulled the bed to the top of the stairs and got on it, and rode it all the way down to the bottom of the stairs. We also had a bulldog that was laying on the stairs, and the Boxer rode right over her.

    And another time we started hearing the piano playing notes. When I went to investigate, that same bulldog was on the keyboard walking around all over the place.

  8. When Ruby, my Japanese Chin, was a puppy, she jumped on the table while I went to the restroom, and lapped up almost the whole bowl of tomoto soup.  Her white beard was orange for days!  It was so cute, it was hard to be mad at her.  

  9. One night my boyfriend and i ordered pizza and italian subs for dinner.  when we finished we both went downstairs in the basement to do laundry.  While we were down there, our border collie mix kept on coming down teh stairs every couple of minutes to check on us.  Wehn we went back up stairs and was greeted by our dog.  I noticed that he smelled like italian dressing but didnt think anything of it.  I walked into the room adn noticed a pizza box laying neatly by the wall.  while we were downstairs our dog got the box off the kitchen table and started eating the bits inside while checking us to see if we were still occupied so he can finish it!!  It was soo funny he licked it clean.

    there was also another time when he grabbed his treat bag and carried it over to our friend bc he really wanted a treat.  it was the cutest thing ever

  10. One time me and my mom where making some cake, and i had to go to the bathroom, and mom had to do sumthin else, my 3 month puggle jumped up, knocked the cake batter down, so when we came in there, we followed cake batter paw prints to the back room, and saw her COVERD in cake batter, so cute, she was sneezing and lickin like crazy

  11. my dog can open our fridge with his nose and takes food out and eats it! ur dogs cute btw

  12. he chewed the laces in my husbands shoes

  13. my dog was looking in the mirror when she thought that it was another dog staring at her so she started barking and scratched the mirror.

  14. My dog Thor steals my heating blanket when it gets really cold. There are other blankets but he only will take that one. He also can turn on the tv by himself. Then he will sit and watch it. its really weird my friends think it is really funny. then his partner in crime Loki gets excited when we start to play video games that we have to wait ten minutes because he is jumping around in front of the tv.  

  15. my chihuahua like to take the toilet paper and ripe it all up the hall way it look like snow lol

  16. My dog likes tissues and paper towels, so while eating my parents will purposefully leave napkins and paper towels on their lap so she'll steal them. Then they'll usually say "Oh you stole that from me, give it back!"

    She'll also seal tissues from pockets (like if you are sitting down she'll stick her nose in your pocket).  

  17. When I was like 10 i had a Hulk cake with green icing for my bday. I was having a slice of cake and left the room for a couple of minutes and when i came back the cake was gone. I shouted at the dog but later on the dog had a s**t and some of it was GREEN. It was pretty disgusting but also quite funny!!

  18. my dog sam used to love burying her bones,and when they were their some months she would dig them up and re-bury,sometimes in the corner of a room in the house,this one particular day my partner had just packed his bag with his nicely pressed and washed karate kit,and was of to the club,when sam decided to bury her dirty smelly muddy bone in the bag with his kit...that was in 1988 and i'm so laughing recalling it because you should have seen the look on my partners face,and the dog just sat their so innocent while he ranted and raved at me.needless to say he never got to the club that day and i took sam out for a walk till he calmed down.

    could you be mad at this lovable dog lol

  19. my dog sneezes when he get's frustrated

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