
What is something really cute your child does/did?

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My daughter does A LOT of cute things,

but one of my favourites is, when she has her eyes shut she doesnt think i can see her! Just because she cant see she doesnt think anyone else can. - she even does it when she is in trouble. Its too adorable to tell her the truth!

Ill be saying "Millie. You do not throw -- Millie? Where are you?"

But ill get her in trouble later ; ) haha i just realised how undisciplined that sounded.





  1. when someone coughs or sneezes she copys yhem its so cute shes 1yrs old

  2. I don't have a human kid, but when my pets eat it is the cutest thing especially when a little food falls out of their mouths and they have such a cute satiated look on their faces! :)

  3. My daughter,when 2 years learned to go like a monkey.It was just adorable how she squeezed her shoulders close to her ears made that face and ran around.

  4. dance! lol, it's hysterical!

    and grab something real quick and beat feet to another room, lol. so if we see him running, we know he's got something...usually a snack! lol

    (he's 21 months)

  5. i do NOT have a kid - cos im onyl 15 - but my baby cousin loves car racing and car crash - its so cute u take him to the balcony and he hears car's and he'll go "whats that...*gasp* car wash!" while looking around hes only 2yrs old. so cute. also id go to my mum and hug her saying "mine" and he'll run up to her and go "noo minee" and try to push me away :P

  6. My 2 and a half year old daughter loves to dress up as spiderman and play loudly with her plastic dinosaurs, she is such a tomboy and I find that cute. Another thing she does which is cute / embarassing is loudly announce "I farted!!" or even better "Ewww mummy farted"

  7. My Neice likes to jump up in the air and land on her bumb she does it so that everyone claps and pays attention to her.

    its soo funny

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