
What is something that is extraordinary to you?

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for instance if you were take a snapshot of life...something that to you defines extraordinary...what would it be?




  1. the sky (day or night)

  2. my hands

  3. Life itself is extraordinary when you think of the odds of our being here.  Since conception is the result of a fertilized egg, and there are millions of eggs and sperm cells, how did it happen that we were the lucky egg united by the lucky sperm?  It could have been billions of other eggs and sperm, and we wouldn't be here, or else we would be someone else, if that makes any sense.  That's why I believe in God, because those things don't just happen by accident.  We are all here for a specific purpose.  

  4. Technology books-

  5. Acts of Random Kindness, a full moon over a Himalayan glacier mountain, the instant joy a brand new life brings into this world...

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