
What is something that society has outcast and anyone who likes it is considered different?

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What is something that society has outcast and anyone who likes it is considered different?




  1. anything that is considered to be outside of the social 'norm'

  2. Suspenders for you guys pants.  When I was little one of my uncles used to wear them  the reason being was because his was so large that he could not keep his pants up with out them.  Belt are so confining sometime that they bind you in the waste.  If you want to be more free to move around wouldn't suspenders be more appropriate rather than belts? But I hated the fact that he was so large and had to wear them in the first place.   He later died of diabetes.  Maybe that is why belts were invented.  What do you think?

  3. Satanism. Voodoo. Wicca. Prostitutes. Drugs.

  4. thats how i feel everyday , like an OUTCAST !!

    but it is through no fault of my own

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