
What is something to do during a long wait?

by  |  earlier

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I have a concussion I think and my hospital is really slow I takes about 8 hours to get in. What is something I can do to make it not so boring?




  1. Talk to someone, read a book, solve a rubic's cube, do some sudoku puzzles...

    My suggestions definitely show how nerdy I am :D

  2. Cell phone games.

  3. If you are around other people make converstaion or what i like doing is, "people watching", but if you are by yourself just count things that are around you (ceiling tiles, dots, scratches just random items).

  4. Read a book.

  5. You can always read a book or do puzzles.

  6. I like taking music along{bring headphones too} In long waits it is easy to get lost in music.

    Take along a simple-r crossword puzzle or wordsearch book

    Play solitaire

       If don't need to stay in the hospital buildindg see if you can sit outside awhile.

      People watching{DON'T STARE} is always a good time  filler- to yourself figure out their lives as you may see them being.

       I will pray all is fine...

  7. listen to music and watch people going about their day.

  8. get on your computer, take a nap, or something like read a magizine or a book.

  9. if you have a concussion, shouldn't you be resting.

  10. Whatever you do don't fall asleep.  Get some playing cards from the gift shop and play 100 rounds of solitaire.

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