
What is something you STILL do that's considered "childish"?

by  |  earlier

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I still love inhaling helium from balloons...never gets old!





  1. sleep with a stuffed animal since i was 3

  2. It's kind of pathetic, but I still have my baby blanket. I just like having it in my bed. It comforts me for some reason.  

  3. Many things!

    I watch cartoons and children's shows, and movies too.

    I listen to some music that might be considered childish.

    I poke everyone when I'm bored.

    I say "Yay me!" to celebrate.

    I like to skip around instead of just walking.

    I play video games.

    Me talky like thisss sumetimes

    I use a lot of silly emotion icons =P

    I sleep with a giant stuffed dogie and I hug him every night.

    I say completely random things.

    The list goes on and on...

  4. When I need a favor from my father I pull out the little girl routine "pleaseeee daddddyy"

  5. I still laugh when people toot.

  6. i still sleep with multiple stuffed animals :D

  7. I sleep with a stuffed dog that I've had since I was very little.

    Lame, I know. lol

  8. watching disney movies, but i can use my little sister as an excuse :)

  9. Be hyper like a 5 year old. lmfao!

  10. play with barbies.

  11. lol most things :D but i can get away with doing them because i work with kids hehehehe :D  

  12. haah. story of my lifee <3

    i laugh out loud everytime some passes gas

    i watch disney, &their movies

    i still have my baby bankieee.

    i sleep with a pink and white stuffed dog, and Thumper from bambi.

    i wear bows in my hair.

    i JUST got rid of my barbie collection a little while backk.

    i wear a cupcake belt buckle.

    i laugh like a 3rd grader


  13. drinking shirley temples and watching old cartoons, also, reading archie comic books.  

  14. Does eating a happy meal count? cause I do! I'm also a cookie lover i fight only for the cookies

  15. ride tricycles

  16. um play nancy drew and barbie fashion designer? BEST GAMS EVER except nancy drew scares the jello outta me!

  17. Watching Pokémon. This is horrible and inexcusable.

  18. I sleep with a Teddy Bear still! Ha!

  19. i still watch nickelodeon and disney channel.

  20. i watch dora every monday before school =]

  21. burp and f**t loudly  (but not in public)

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