
What is something you do only in September?

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I eat Candy Corn!




  1. My Birthday! September 20 =)

  2. Season opener of football games  

  3. start watching football I love football  

  4. answer this specific question

  5. I go to an annual local festival of wine and listen to bad bands, drink homemade wine and laugh at the stupid teenagers who thought they were so great to drink so much and now are carried to the ambulance.

  6. Seeing 40,000 nice ladies walking around a State Fair leaving little or nothing the imagination (it was hot).  Yes, there were also some nasty ones.

  7. I celebrate my marriage.

  8. have my b-day

  9. Me and the Mrs. drive up in the mountains and go apple picking and buy quilts, and go to music festivals....and eat candy corn!

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