
What is something you hated as a kid but now love as an adult?

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What is something you hated as a kid but now love as an adult?




  1. diapers!!!

  2. Broccoli.

  3. Subway.

  4. Chicken on the bone,  

  5. Adults sitting around talking, and socializing. I could never understand it as a kid, because playing seemed so much more fun. Now I f*cking get it, it is fun when you are the right age, I also get why my parents always told me to go out and play, because as you get older, you lose stamina, and energy.

  6. I hated Clam Chowder, and now I can't get enough of it.

    And I hated soda, and now it is delicious.

  7. girls, (i'm 18 and considered an adult)  

  8. Shrimp. I wouldn't touch it as a child, but tried it a few years ago and found them to be delicious :]

  9. I hated this one show when i was little now i love it

  10. i hated the color of red as a kid. cause i hated blood and the whole red thing freaked me out

    but now that im 14, i love it. such a nicee color haha

  11. salads!

  12. The opposite s*x

  13. Pizza

  14. Adults.

  15. Spankings.

  16. Being a kid. I wanted to grow up so fast... if I knew then what I know now.

  17. taking showers LOL

  18. Rice

  19. the opposite s*x  

  20. Christmas Cake!

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