
What is something you used to do, but don't anymore?

by  |  earlier

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Maybe because you grew out of it...or it seems childish...




  1. say oaklydokely  

  2. eat healthy. i am a junk food junkie!!! i work out everyday, so thats a good thing, but i tend to only eat at kfc and taco bell. uh oh! ha ha

  3. Smoke cigarettes. And hooking up with too many men, to count!

    I don't do either anymore.  

  4. picking my nose..sorrily i still do it,hahaha,jk...hmm,being scared of everything and serious shut always...

  5. used to get whatever I want from my parents. But now I don't do that any more and there still cool.

  6. I used to sleep with a teddy bear until I was about 20. Yes, through my first relationship, there were 3 of us in bed.

  7. Wear diapers... now I just pee my pants.

  8. I used to write stories/poetry... it was my passion from 4th grade through middle school. I guess I just kind of moved on and became interested in other things.

  9. Lots of things

    wetting myself

    picking my nose

    wiping boogers on furniture

    chasing girls

    using a blow dryer

    throwing water balloons at my siblings

    having anonymous s*x without condoms


    drinking until I puke

    date most of my exes


  10. Break Hearts

  11. I used to suck my thumb, could be why I'm g*y- I've progressed to bigger and better things to suck on.

  12. I used to get really nervous in public.  Now, I realized that not everyone is judging you and I'm just as good as everyone else!

  13. Biting my nails.

    Such a bad habbit >.<

  14. Have s*x with females

  15. umm theres a lotta things....but i just can't think of them right now. hmmm...i'll get back to you on that later

  16. Worry about what other people thought of me : )

  17. I used to be smart, with flying scores. I'm not anymore. I got some nerve illness.

  18. picking my nose (terrible habit)

    eat skittles of the ground for money

    like girls

  19. Jumping over the white tiles and only walking on the black ones.. ;)

    Stealing candies from my grandmother everytime I visited her.

    Playing with dolls, lego and cuddly animals.

    Eating ants.. (Yes, I actually did that on a regular basis when I was a kid, go figure..)

  20. i use to l**k my lips until it started to burn

    i am SO glad i grew out of that

  21. I used to laugh aloud every time a friend or sibling farted noisily around me.

    Now I just chuckle, unless it's a good one.  :-P

  22. I no longer have s*x with women.

  23. I used to make myself throw up whenever I was sad. Now I don't, good thing too.

  24. I used to like men.


  25. I used to love someone who was straight and married.

    Yeah, it was childish of me.

    I'm better off without him, and happy.

    *Best Wishes*

    ♪♣ Đǐvǐήέ Яάў ♣♪

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