
What is somthing that is good in protein that I can give my pit?? somthing to make him stronger and muscular?

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What is somthing that is good in protein that I can give my pit?? somthing to make him stronger and muscular?




  1. Both my terriers are solid, strong and healthy, the male is muscular, I raw feed them (and they get lots of exercise).  My intention wasn't to buff them up my goal is to keep them healthy.

  2. Just feed a good dog food. Science Diet is very good. He's going to look the way he was meant to be its genetics. Giving supplements to make them muscular isnt healthy for the dog.

  3. I would start by buying good quality dry food. Also add in whole raw eggs to his food and a can of sardines.

  4. What is with people wanting their pit bulls look like body-builders. Anyways, protein is good for them. Start off by giving them high quality kibble with meat meal as the first or second ingredient. (it can't just say meat meal it has to be specific like lamb meal for example and no by products!)

    I feed my dog California Natural lamb meal and rice. He gets salmon oil,yogurt,raw eggs,and canidae snap biscuits as a supplement. I give him a bully stick every day for dental health. In a year or tw I'm going to start giving him glucosamine once a week since he will be 12 next year.

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