
What is sound ?

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What is sound ?




  1. A disturbance of air molecules which strikes your eardrum, and is perceived as "sound."

  2. Ummm ??? Either you forgot to finish Question? Or the answer is ..... The noise your head makes when you hit it on the doorway B-4 writing this question!!!! that must of made one heck of a THUD ..... LOL

  3. Well, the answer is sound is a wave. A wave? Yes, a wave. For those of you who have not had the benefit of playing with a slinky or telephone cord, a wave is a transmission of energy by a series of vibrations.

  4. sound is something which is produce due to the vibration of the medium.the medium can be solid,liquid and gas.

    for eg: sound can travel in air.

  5. differential pressure intensity

  6. u wanna exact definition?

    its here---

    Sound is vibration transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas; particularly, sound means those vibrations composed of frequencies capable of being detected by ears...

                 Sound is a form of energy.Sound waves

    are compressional waves
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