
What is space (the gaps between things)

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i mean the gaps between things. What is it.




  1. A void?  A vacuum?

    I'm not sure what you mean.


  2. energy/glue

  3. Universal energy, this connects all things. This how you feel something is about to happen just before it does. It has already happened in another location and the energy wave that transmits through the energy has reached you before your other senses can measure it.

  4. Space is place where you don't want anything in it or you can say Emptiness.

    In both way things and Spaces...

    Think about it it's pretty crazy question took me 5 mins to think hard...

    Well that was my answer....also when my bf asked me for does mean that he doesn't want me in  that moment called space. And trhings when you give the gaps to things that gaps is the place you don't want anything there right?

  5. Depends where the things are. If they're in the air, it's air. If they're in water, it's water.

    If they're in space, it's nothing at all, but scientists are working on that and think maybe there is something there after all.

  6. it looks like space because we cant see anything

    however there are atoms, electrons etc.....even now they have found energy in vacuums, where once they thought nothing existed...

  7. I like your definition -- the gaps between things

  8. The Urantia Book has more then my quote to offer on this subject and it is more then possible some of our current scientist's may not concur.

    P.123 - §1 All forms of force and all phases of energy seem to be encircuited; they circulate throughout the universes and return by definite routes. But with the emanations of the activated zone of the Unqualified Absolute there appears to be either an outgoing or an incoming--never both simultaneously. This outer zone pulsates in agelong cycles of gigantic proportions. For a little more than one billion Urantia years the space-force of this center is outgoing; then for a similar length of time it will be incoming. And the space-force manifestations of this center are universal; they extend throughout all pervadable space."

    Note: Urantia is an ancient name for Earth.

  9. space is a man made concept, in nature there is no such thing as space, everything that you see and everything that you don't see is all crammed in together, It's like a thick soup.

    basically there is no gaps what you see as a gap is filled with things you cant see.

  10. I guess literally it would be something seperating two or more other things.

    For example a gap between my toes is not nothing, it is air. So air seperates one toe from another.

  11. Apparently space is very, very diluted things.

  12. reality!!!!!!!

  13. A purely subjective view of the space between things would suggest it is filled with filled with illusions, illusions of all sorts of dreams and possibilities. For instance, I have always to go somewhere, to achieve something or to meet someone, but in each case I have to come to term with distances in between my objective and myself, the distance that I have to cover and conquer. I see that there is space between my and the destination in my mind. I wan to get there but I see that the space in between is in fact the path, leading me up to my destination. Then there could be opportunities along the way, or the path could be froth with difficulties and dangers. I always want to achieve what do not have or what is at some distance from where I am.

    The in a more physical sense the space in general is hardly a complete void, or an emptiness, according to scientific. The space where we see nothing is in fact teeming with activities, where particles of unknown nature and origin make their momentary appearances only to disappear the moment next. Where do they come and to where do they go scientist can only speculate and the best of their speculation so far is that they are the like dust being rubbed off from some other reality adjacent to ours, or that they come into being by the energy of the future and when they disappear nothing is left and energy is restored back to its right place in time.

    The conventional interpretation of space, however, is closer to understanding. The space in fact is like a gigantic three-dimensional sponge with material objects suspended in it the way fruit pieces are in a fruitcake. Then space is compressed around heavy objects like planets, stars and galaxies due to their gravitational force.

    The true nature of space itself however has not been definitive unknown. It is limitlessly transparent to light and magnetic energy, but is affected by the presence of gravitational force, which suggests that there is something out there between things.

    Then if we consider the concept of space metaphysically then one thing that we notice first of that it has to be something between things that occupy space, i.e. if there would not be there, there would only be space – I would not same vacuum for that would bring the whole discussion to an end. Then if space has to be defined by material objects as something the keeps things what they are at their own places, then I can say that space in fact is one of the attribute of all things material in nature. Every thing has to be somewhere different from all other things to be what it is, i.e. we cannot have realities of two things completely overlapping, as we cannot have two swords in one sheath.

    Lets suppose there is a rubber ball of blue colour, that weighs about hundred grams, and that is all that exists in the universe, then I would presume the entire space of the universe would only be the size of that ball, with all its space occupied by the presence of the ball. Now, for a red ball to exist it has to be positioned somewhere else, may be some distance away for the blue ball or right next to it, but in either case, if there has to be more then two thing in existence there has to be space in existence too – space signifies that there are more one things in existence, and at least two at a time.

  14. Infinity. Unchangeable, ever-existent.

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