
What is <span title="thrush????????????????????????????">thrush???????????????????...</span>

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An answer to one of my questions was that my problem may be thrush.

What is thrush? and how do you get it? What are the symptoms?





  1. Thrush is caused by yeast, already present in the body, which grows out of control. This yeast is almost always Candida albicans, but another, more resistant yeast, Candida glabrata, can also lead to thrush.

    Many women, (as well as men and children) carry yeast in and on their bodies without any problems. Yeast usually lives in the intestines, v****a, mouth and skin, where ‘friendly’ bacteria help keep yeast levels low. When this balance is disrupted, however, and the yeast is allowed to grow unchecked, it causes havoc in the body.

    The v****a is one of the areas most likely to be affected by thrush. Although the v****a is generally too acidic for yeast to grow out of control, it is sensitive to small changes and can easily become an ideal environment for yeast to flourish. Too much yeast irritates the vaginal tissues and this leads to the typical symptoms of thrush.

    The telltale signs of thrush include itching, burning, soreness, swelling of the v****a and v***a (outer area of the v****a), and a yeasty-smelling discharge. You may have one symptom or several, and symptoms can range from mild to severe.

  2. Thrush is a fungal infection usually in the mouth or v****a, it is caused by too much sugar in the body and reacts with the yeast, it is usually very itchy and sore, you may experience wanting to pass water all the time and not doing very much, you need a cream or pessary called canestan for the vaginal thrush, or daktarin for oral thrush. hope this helps.  

  3. Yeast Infection in the throat

  4. Thrush is a yeast infection of the mouth (very common in newborns after passing through the birth canal) and it is treated with antibiotics.  The symptoms are white nastiness in and around the mouth.  Just go the doctor and have it taken care of.  Good luck!

  5. Thrush is an infection of the mouth caused by the candida fungus, also known as yeast. Candida infection is not limited to the mouth; it can occur in other parts of the body as well, causing diaper rash in infants or vaginal yeast infections in women.

    Thrush can affect anyone, though it occurs most often in babies and toddlers, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems.

    What causes thrush?

    Small amounts of the candida fungus are present in the mouth, digestive tract, and skin of most healthy people and are normally kept in check by other bacteria and microorganisms in the body. However, certain illnesses, stress, or medications can disturb the delicate balance, causing the fungus candida to grow out of control, causing infection.

    Medications that upset the balance of microorganisms in the mouth and may cause thrush include corticosteroids, antibiotics, and birth control pills. Illnesses or medical situations that make candida infection more likely to develop include uncontrolled diabetes, HIV infection, cancer, dry mouth, or pregnancy (caused by the hormonal changes that occur with pregnancy). People who smoke or wear dentures that don&#039;t fit properly also are at increased risk for thrush. In addition, babies can pass the infection to their mothers during breast-feeding.

    What are the symptoms of thrush?

    Thrush usually develops suddenly, but it may become chronic, persisting over a long period of time. A common sign of thrush is the presence of creamy white, slightly raised lesions in your mouth—usually on your tongue or inner cheeks—but also sometimes on the roof of your mouth, gums, tonsils, or back of your throat. The lesions, which may have a &quot;cottage cheese&quot; appearance, can be painful and may bleed slightly when you scrape them or brush your teeth. In severe cases, the lesions may spread into your esophagus, or swallowing tube, causing:

    Pain or difficulty swallowing

    A feeling that food gets stuck in the throat or mid-chest area

    Fever, if the infection spreads beyond the esophagus

    Thrush can spread to other parts of the body, including the lungs, liver, and skin. This happens more often in people with cancer, HIV, or other conditions that weaken the immune system.

  6. itchy privates with like heat rashy type things lol you can also get it in other places not just your privates, i think its to do with your skin been wet or something.

  7. it is not always bad personal hygiene.

    Thrush, the irritation of ones personal areas, can be down to a yeast infection, or the type of washing powder used, i.e. biological

  8. well it is an inbalance, a yeast infection in women. every women in some point in her life gets it, it is so so common and the symptoms are thick discharge, itching and maybe a little swelling of the v***a. get Canaston Duo from Boots, you take the pill which flushes it out your system and then you use the cream to soothe the itch etc. it is nothing to worry about. i get it when i have s*x every now and again. some people are just more prone then others. good luck and no worries! =]

  9. thrush is a yeast infection.  basically an over growth of yeast somewhere on the body, can be in the genitals, can be oral, can be anywhere on the skin.  It generally is caused by a sudden imbalance in the body&#039;s natural flora and fauna.  usually, we have symbiotic bacteria that eat the naturally occurring yeast on our bodies, when they are wiped out, like from taking antibiotics, then the yeast can grow uncontrolled and lead to thrush.

  10. Thrush is an infection caused by a yeast-like fungus whose proper name is Candida albicans.

    This fungus occurs widely and is usually unnoticed. However if it starts to multiply rapidly it can cause problems in many different parts of the body, including the v****a, the mouth (especially in babies, where it causes white patches on the tongue and inside the cheeks) and in the nappy area.

    It will not go away by itself it needs to be treated.

  11. edit: just saw that your a guy, but it doesnt matter, its the same in guys im sure... (minus the v****a parts ahaha)

    Vaginal thrush, also called yeast infection or candidiasis, is an overgrowth of yeast that leads to a range of unpleasant symptoms, such as itching and soreness around the v****a. Most women will have thrush at least once during their lives, and many will have more than one episode. But for some women, thrush keeps coming back. Recurrent thrush can affect a woman’s s*x life and self-image, and may be a sign of a more serious health problem. Even if you only have thrush once, it can be extremely uncomfortable. And, if you don’t know what is happening or why, it can also be very stressful.

    Many women, (as well as men and children) carry yeast in and on their bodies without any problems. Yeast usually lives in the intestines, v****a, mouth and skin, where ‘friendly’ bacteria help keep yeast levels low. When this balance is disrupted, however, and the yeast is allowed to grow unchecked, it causes havoc in the body.

    The v****a is one of the areas most likely to be affected by thrush. Although the v****a is generally too acidic for yeast to grow out of control, it is sensitive to small changes and can easily become an ideal environment for yeast to flourish. Too much yeast irritates the vaginal tissues and this leads to the typical symptoms of thrush

    for me it was s*x which caused it. i got a uti, and had it, then got antibiotics and got it again.

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