
What is <span title="wrong...................?!?">wrong...................?...</span>

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I have no idea what is wrong with me.

Last week I developed a horrible cold which left me in bed for nearly 5 days straight. I went to the doctor and he prescribed me Biaxin. I have been taking it exactly as told, yet I don't seem to be getting better. This is my second day back at work and I am honestly exhausted. I am trying to eat, but cannot choke anything down. I am shaky and weak feeling...with cold sweats and can hardly keep my eyes open. I have not taken my meds today yet. I feel sick to my stomach and just all around crappy.

It is day 7. Shouldn't I be feeling better already? I have been getting lots of rest. Does anybody know what I can do so I don't have to leave work? How can I make myself feel better?




  1. It can take 1 to 2 weeks for the body to mount a good immune response to a viral infection, which is probably what you have. Biaxin is an antibiotic which will prevent any secondary bacterial infections from occurring, but will do little to kill a virus. Since most of us get severe viral infections infrequently, we forget how bad we can feel, and that only time can, advil, fluids, chicken soup, and tylenol can make us feel better. I&#039;m sorry you have to work while you feel ill. This will definitely make getting better that much harder.

    Be careful you don&#039;t make things worse with the Biaxin. It is notorious for causing upset stomachs. Unless you are a smoker and prone to bronchitis or have allergies and get sinus infections, I would probably question being on it, but discuss this with your doctor. If you aren&#039;t turning the bend in a few more days, you should return to be reexamined. It&#039;s possible you have something more severe and some blood work would be in order. You didn&#039;t say what he was treating with the antibiotic, and my guess is he started it because ....well, because you came to see him and he had nothing else to give you.

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