
What is special about Beijing Olympics ?

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What is special about Beijing Olympics ?




  1. Chinas the host city

  2. Well, the Olympics started on 8-8-08 at 8:08! Haha I guess the rare lucky day that the Olympics started on was pretty cool. Also, Michael Phelps bringing home 8 gold medals! Woot woot! The men's swimming definitely got me interested in the Olympics. The fact that one of the most memorable Olympian made Olympic history in this summer's Olympics, makes the 2008 Beijing Olympics special enough. :)

    BTW: For all of you who praised the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, most of the fireworks shabam throughout the ceremony was all computer graphics. Not lying, my dad told me he read it in a newspaper. :/ I guess it was still great, but the opening ceremony scared me more than anything. I don't know why, but synchronized communist dancers are somewhat creepy.

  3. Considering China's treatment of its people in Tibet and this whole human rights thing, the whole world is watching China very closely to see if it can perform. And so far it has. With its whole "One world, One dream" motto. They are trying to show how they have changed and that they can host the Olympic games. They have spent over £20 billion, with all the stadiums and regeneration in the area. They wanted China to look its best so loads of people would go there and watch the games they spent so much on. The 2012 Olympics is said to cost just £9billion. London does not need to prove to the world it has no issues or human rights problems, because we don't. There will be hardly any protesting, just from the people who think it is a waste of money. China put on a spectacular opening ceremony, i watched, it was amazing. Their closing ceremony starting at 1:00pm BST it said to be as superb. So that is why Beijing Olympics is so special  

  4. Chinese are crazy.

    900 men wearing diapers and wait for their show time in small boxes for 6 hours, crazy indeed.

    They don't have much concern for their people's well being and put their nationalism first.


  6. the beijing olympics is vitally significant in a number of ways. with the growing tensions in that region, the huge threat of terrorism and China's history of Human rights any disruptions and there could be massive consequences. thats what's special about beijing

  7. I'm an Indian n India won a GOLD after more than a decade and won a total of Three medals for the first time

  8. Well, it's like the most spectacular Olympics ever. Firstly as the guy before me said the opening ceremony was like WOWWOWWOW!!! And the inspirational victories.... Phelps, Rice, Hooker and those Jamaicans: they all added to these Games being the very best. The facilities are also amazing.... It's just the messege too "One world-one dream" It's just soooo amazing. And now the big finish the closing ceremony... THESE GAME ARE THE BEST EVA!!!!!

  9. it was incredible opening ceremony! AMAZING stadiums - water cube and birds nest. and there were so many records broken and multiple gold medals. fantastic.

    im australian and think phelps from us is amazing. and stephanie rice is inspirational. as well as the pole vaulter, the rowing and the diving! and kayak! haha.

  10. it is the most expensive olympics yet!

  11. Ceremony obviously opening ceremony,Phelps  unmatched brilliance and bolt's supremacy and much more watch them on demand here

  12. 1)Beijing gave us an amazing opening ceremony - hard to top that

    2)Olympics,for the first time held in China - hardly any western countries knew about what an original city like Beijing has to offer

    3)So many frigging world records were broken,legends were created - Michael Phelps,Usain Bolt etc

    4)Its controversies

    5)I guess we just love everytime the Olympics comes on!

  13. that its final finished

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