
What is spirit vinegar made from that is usually find in coleslaws ?is spirit vinegar an alcohol or wine?

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What is spirit vinegar made from that is usually find in coleslaws ?is spirit vinegar an alcohol or wine?




  1. Vinegar isn't alcoholic if that's what you're wondering.

  2. If it is commercially made it has no alcohol. I can not say for a home made vinegar if it contains alcohol. I would say the term, "spirit vinegar" refers to vinegar made from a source of alcohol such as wine or beer.

    Acetic acid bacteria such as acetobacter

    convert alcohol (ethyl) to acetic acid in the presence of oxygen.

    2CH 3CH CH2OH + O OH 2 = 2CH 3COOH + 2H COOH 20

    LOL That is cute a junior scientist. Keep studying you are doing well. But to correct you yeast is not responsible for acetic acid production in vinegar but bacteria is.

  3. Chemically speaking, VINEGAR IS AN ACID.

    Special yeast perform what is called an ACETIC FERMENTING of the alcohol.

    It was achieved accidentally, when wine was left to OVER FERMENT. The primary fermentation of the grape juice or fruit leads usually to alcohol. Yeast will transform the sugar in the fruit juice in alcohol. If fermentation is continued, or sometimes if the wrong type of yeast is added, sugar or alcohol can be converted directly to acetic acid. That is vinegar.

    Sometimes, this is done intentionally. For instance, fermenting sugar cane leads to a "mash" containing both alcohol and vinegar (acetic acid). When distillation occurs, the mixture of ethilic alcohol and acetic acid (alcohol and vinegar) heated at around 80 degrees combines into what is called an ester (the etilic ester of the acetic acid), better known as RUM FLAVOUR.

  4. Spirit vinegar is a type of vinegar made with some kind of alcohol. It's usually fruit based so from wine or cider. There is a small amount of alcohol that is present in this.

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