
What is stress? And How to reduce stress?

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  1. I think it is more necessary to know the techniques of reducing stress than to know the cause of stress. So you must know how to reduce stress. When anger or anxiety or depression overcast you then engage yourself in less strenuous jobs like gardening or just listen classical music. You can also listen new age music. Practise yoga and meditate. Take deep breath for a while. Walk or tai chi.

  2. healthy food, timely meal and timely sleep

  3. stress is an negative emotional reaction to our body when we do not accept the changes in our life. In my view, the best method to reduce stress is first ,  to accept what life give us.

  4. Stress is fear.  It comes either when you are fearful of an outcome or having no control over an outcome or worried about the unkown the future, re; money , relationships, work.  But what helps me to reduce it is to exercise, have close friends to talk to about the particular situation and pray, and because I believe in God, I know I can give everything to him and know he will take care of it as he promises.  One of Jesus' main messages that he said over and over again was "Do not fear".

  5. I am dr sachin.Try to find out cause of stress.

    Think +ve.stress is a part of today's life.Meditation,yoga,deep breathing will help you.These are timetested approaches to reduce stress

    Try to remove fear,anxiety,depression,Get adjusted with the changing situations in life.'Stress' is a feeling which you get when you have to handle more than your capacity in a short time or with limited resources

    stress can have harmful effects on body

    read all these

  6. All the negative feelings like fear,anger and depression are considered stress.It is a psycho physical response to outside stimuli.Too much stress can kill you or cause an illness because it drains your energy.It is the inability to adapt to change.

    Exercise,music,sleep can temporarily reduce stress but cannot cure it.The best way to reduce and cure stress[yes cure]is to consume healthy natural food every day especially the one rich in omega 3 fatty acids.Speaking from personal experience.

    It is something like being high every day and accepting anything that may come without fear or anger.

    Serotonin is to blame for this.A brain hormone that transfers electrical impulses in your brain and creates a feeling of pleasure.It is a natural part of our brain without which our brain cannot function or realize its potential.Omega 3 fatty acids enable production of serotonin in your brain.The more you have the better you feel and more intelligent you are among many other benefits.

  7. This is a sympathetic response to an environmental stimulus.  Its charactericized by hightened blood levels of the hormone epinpherine/norepinephrine as released by the adrenal glands.  

    Often we experience chronic stress.  This is similar to us being in a continual fight or flight mode.  As a result epineperine levels remain high in the blood causing rapid heart beat, sweat, insomnia, etc.  

    How to eliminate stress.  Eat healthy, recognize and eliminate stress factors from your life.  These could be: unhappy relationships, dealing with abuse, taking on too many tasks at once, anxiety about performing, being unprepared for tests, etc.

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