
What is sugar shane mosely weakness?

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some people say he doesnt throw alot of combinations ,some say he doesnt have great defense I really dont know hes so good




  1. His defense isnt great, but i still feel he has the best chance out there to beat mayweather out of almost everyone else. Styles make fights and well thats why Vernon Forest was able to beat him twice as well as beat him when they were both amatures. As far as winky goes lol well winky is just winky he will make any fighter look bad and usualy does. As far as cotto goes well i think Mosely fought his *** off that fight and deserved at least a draw at the very least an immediate rematch. Shane Mosely in my opinion is still an elite fighter very exciting to watch and will give any top fighter a run for their money. One thing about mosely is you will never see him run from his opponent hes got a ton of heart/speed and power i think his power is extremly underated as well.

  2. Mosley's biggest weakness is he has trouble adjusting to his opponents style. Jabs he has problems with guys who can jab him because if you notice one thing about the fight with Vernon and winky is both of those guys jabbed Mosley to death and he had no answer for it. He has showed that if you can find away to beat him you can use it every round and take away his will Look at the winky fights he wins two rounds in the two fights they have and makes no adjustments that's why people thinking he can beat Floyd are fools.

  3. shane mosleys weakness is Miguel Cotto

  4. The biggest thing about Mosley is, no defense. He's not a boxer for the start, pity pat jab, and cant adjust. Mosley could have won the fight against Cotto but didn't listen to his father. Mosley wants a rematch after the Judah fight but had his chance. If he fights Cotto again, he will win. Bob Arum doesn't want Cotto to fight again. Mosley fights with his head up to high, dont have a answer for the right hand and the jab. Yes, Mosley will give any guy a run for his money. A lot of guy's think there power makes up for defense. Thats why I think Cotto will lose before he fights Maywether.

  5. I think its that he doesn't have a great jab because in his fight vs Cotto he throws a jab but not hard enough he needs to throw a hard jab. Mosley is a great fighter not the best defense but he makes up for it in his technique of hand speed, footwork and power. He does throw lots of combinations you saw it in his fight vs Fernando Vargas when he knocked him out.

  6. His biggest weakness physically is that he isn't very long, he has always had to sorta of leap into shots from distance; and now that he is a bit slower, he can't move in and out as well, so his style has become more predictable and easier to smoother (like Cotto was able to do).  Technically, while he has always been very solid and polished, he has never had the ability to adjust well mid-fight, if he couldn't beat you with his own style, he wasn't going to beat you.... considering he has only lost to 3 guys, that is pretty nitt-picky.

  7. Well, I disagree with the combination issue. Mosley does throw combinations. If I had to list one flaw for Shane Mosley then it would be his defense at times. He takes a little bit too many blows to my liking.

  8. Not a long reach, tends to play to opponents game plan, and does not have the finishing power.

  9. It would seem that he has only two weaknesses Winky Wright and Vernon Forrest. He actually did extremely well against Cotto so well that infact many people thought he should have got the decision but he was very humble in his loss and didn't want to take anything away from Cotto. You are right he has all the elements necessary for the complete fighter perhaps his biggest obstacle now is his climbing age.

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