
What is suitcase farming?

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What is suitcase farming?




  1. When farmers are seen to be living out of a suitcase, both in terms of their lifestyle and also their style of farming... they bring everything they need to farm to a piece of land, do the work, and pack everything up to take it to the next piece of land.

    There is no storage of machine on these farms, it is transported in, used removed, just like a salesman who comes to a hotel and leaves with everything in  a few suitcases.

    The practice is objected to because it destroys the social life of the community... puts so much space between more permanent residents.

  2. Where do you think suitcases come from? They harvest them early for a good jewelry box crop.

  3. john h said it suitcase farming is more popular in the north west like north dakota because the winters are very harsh

  4. Suitcase farming is when someone owns and operates a farm, but lives somewhere else. It is usually a crops only farm where the farmer is seen putting in time on the farm at planting and during harvest of the crop, and not much at other times.

  5. seed breeders and handlers and seed contract growers are suitcase can harvest seeds in the US(fall and winter) go to south America, wherein it is spring and summer, therefore you can double your seed trials time frame

  6. Its normally where you, if possible, get hundreds of old suitcases & fill them full of sileage then when the cows go on holiday they can bring their own food with them. this is only  normally found in the West of Ireland. Namely Ballycroy Co. Mayo.

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