
What is supposedly the purgatory?

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wat supposedly is purgatory? please, take time to explain it i dont need to go to links otherwise i would google it anyway i like reading your answers. long answer-best answer please!




  1. Purgatory, in the original sense, is the condition or process of purification or temporary punishment in which the souls of those who die in a state of grace are made ready for heaven, an idea that has ancient roots and is well-attested in early Christian literature, while the conception of purgatory as a geographically situated place is largely the achievement of medieval Christian piety and imagination.

    The notion of purgatory is associated particularly with the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church, but some other Christian groups also assert the possibility of an improvement in the soul's spiritual situation following death. Anglo-catholic Anglicans generally hold to the belief. The Eastern Orthodox Church believes in the possibility of a change of situation for the souls of the dead through the prayers of the living and the offering of the Divine Liturgy, and many Orthodox, especially among ascetics, hope and pray for a general apocatastasis A similar belief in at least the possibility of a final salvation for all is held by Mormonism. Judaism also believes in the possibility of after-death purification and may even use the word "purgatory" to present its understanding of the meaning of Gehenna. However, the concept of soul "purification" may be explicitly denied in these other faith traditions.

    The word "purgatory" has come to refer also to a wide range of historical and modern conceptions of postmortem suffering short of everlasting damnation, and is used, in a non-specific sense, to mean any place or condition of suffering or torment, especially one that is temporary.

  2. Simple - Purgatory = half heaven, half h**l - you will not be tortured there forever and you will be burned but in the end you will be cleansed and ready to go to Heaven .

  3. Purgatory is a process of purification.

    “All who die in God's grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; but after death they undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven."

    “The Church gives the name Purgatory to this final purification of the elect, which is entirely different from the punishment of the damned.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1030-1031)

    “According to Jewish tradition, the soul must spend some time purifying itself before it can enter the World to Come.”

    “Gehinnom: purgatory, the spiritual realm in which the souls are cleansed from the blemishes brought about by their conduct while on Earth.”

    “According to Judaism, the purifying process that a sullied soul undergoes to cleanse it from its spiritual uncleanliness is a temporary one, and is restorative in its intent, and not punitive, as many mistakenly believe.”

    The below are all falsehoods:

    The pope got rid of purgatory.

    The Catholic Church invented purgatory.

    Babies (baptized or unbaptized) go to purgatory.

    People can be bought out of purgatory.

  4. you know there is heaven and h**l right? well purgatory is somewhere in between. purgatory is kind of like a waiting room for heaven. all of us are going to end up there, but being in purgatory means you are one step away from heaven and when you are in purgatory it means that you are going to heaven. also just because we end up in purgatory doesn't mean we lived an awful life. it means salvation is on the way and you aren't in purgatory forever. we are in purgatory because we need to wait until our souls are pure enough to enter heaven. below purgatory is h**l and we definitely don't want to go there. put it this way:

    heaven is perfection and happiness

    purgatory is not as great as heaven but isn't nightmare either

    h**l is h**l where you really don't want to go for obvious reasons

    God still loves us and he welcomes everyone into heaven whether they deserve it or not, he just wants us to wait a little longer.

  5. Although this is concise, I believe it answers your question, Purgatory-place of suffering: in Roman Catholic doctrine, the place where souls remain until they have expiated their sins and can go to heaven

  6. Purgatory is a notion so silly that even the pope thought so. Just recently, the pope declared that purgatory no longer exists, and all souls there no longer exist.

  7. being stuck with fireball and Lion of Judah in an elevator.  

  8. I have never believed like the Catholics do that there is such a place, but I had a brother-in-law that did until he found out his daughter ( born premature) could be bought out of purgatory after she died before she was baptized. Sort of makes a person think you could buy yourself into ????

    Purgatory is not mentioned at any place in the Bible, it just might be a way for them to get an extra 50 bucks, thats what it would of cost my brother-in-law to get his daughter out of purgatory.

  9. It's where 90% of Catholics think they are going. It's a place for "good" Catholics who reckon they have to spend some time working for they're salvation. They believe only bad people, like Hitler go to h**l...

  10. Some good answers so far.  You know the idea of heaven and h**l are not really Biblical, they are more traditional.  Almost forever people have wanted to believe that good people go to some good place when they die and bad people go to a place of eternal punishment.

    Well during the Middle Ages the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church thought it didn't seem fair for someone who just did a few bad things, who made mistakes, who had a bad childhood, should go to ETERNAL punishment.  I mean MOST of us are not perfect, we are basically good but have done some bad things.   So they created a new tradition, that those of us who were imperfect but not totally evil would go to some temporary place where they could overcome their sins, and then go to heaven.  That's Purgatory.

    Obviously Purgatory is punishment, meant to expiate sins.  But whether it's being burned in fire for centuries, or just floating in nothingness, there have been arguments about that.

    Catholics also believed that babies that died in childbirth, or before they were baptized, didn't deserve to go to h**l.  So they created a place for them too, called Limbo.

  11. Part of Roman Catholic Mythology

  12. It's like the half-way house for heaven.

  13. The Bible makes no mention of such a thing.  There is either alive or dead.  No in between. The dead are also not wandering around.  Eccles. 9:5, 10 shows the dead not not able to think, feel, or do anything whatever.

    It is an invention of the false religious clergy to make more money.  One pays a priest to pray a loved one out of purgatory.  It takes several tries and several payments.

    An old joke:  An uncle dies and the preacher comes to the house to pray him out of purgatory.  The preacher puts on a real show.  The nephew then asks after paying him, how it went.  "His head is out now." the preacher says.

    After the 3rd time of praying and paying the nephew again asks how his uncle is doing?  "He is out just below his knees." said the preacher.

    "Well, that's enough then." as he closes his wallet.  "Uncle always was a good jumper."

  14. Purgatory is where you go when Heaven won't have you, and h**l is afraid you'll take over!

  15. Purgatory is a doctrine that is taught in the Catholic church.  It is sort of a "way station" between this life and heaven, which you have to spend some time in have sins purged, supposedly, before you can enter heaven.

    Please note, this doctrine has nothing to do with anything in the bible.  It is a doctrine of men, not of God.

  16. Purgatory is Gods House. also referred as kingdom of God.

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