
What is sweet corn?

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  1. Sweet corn is regular corn with more natural sugar content.

  2. I'm confused. You are starting a new business involving a product you know absolutely nothing about? Why don't you start a business about something you are familiar with?

  3. It's a variety of corn that has a higher sugar content than some other types of corn.

    It's not really something you can go into business with.  If you are a farmer, you can grow it and sell it to markets.  There are already lots of sweet corn farmers out there, though.

  4. a sweet corn is who you admire

  5. Sweetcorn is simply the common name for the corn sold to eat as a fresh vegetable (or canned or frozen) as opposed to corn grown for processing or animal feed. It's easy to grow in any temperate climate, and even here in Canada is a popular backyard crop as it grows in 90 days and requires very little attention. To make a business out of it you'd need several hundred acres of the stuff, and a reliable outlet.

  6. Yes - Sweet corn is more sweeter in taste as the name describes it than normal corn.

    They found lot of application now a days and sold mainly as Frozen  and  Canned which are mainly used by the 3 - 7 star hotels, restaurants and commercial markets.  Soups are also one of the gift of sweet corn.  They are not much costlier than normal corn.
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