
What is tax called in the usa?

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what is the equivalent of VAT in usa called




  1. VAT is a very specific type of sales tax and it is not levied in most countries outside the EU. The US does not levy VAT or sales tax at the federal level. Most states levy sales tax, as do many municipalities. The tax system in the US is very different to that in the UK.

  2. There is no VAT in the US. The closest thing would be the federal fuels tax.

  3. USA doesn't impose VAT tax even though there is discussion going on on this topic.

  4. Closest thing in the USA is sales tax.

  5. Tax is called "tax" in the USA.

    It can get confusing when the price they ask is actually not the price you pay, like the famous "222 breakfast" I used to have in a company canteen when I worked there, so called because it cost $2.22, until you got to the till (checkout) to pay and they asked you for $2.33..................

    And when you look at your hotel bill you start to wonder whether they are making up taxes as they go along :-)

  6. There isn't an equivalent.

    Some but not all states and localities charge a sales tax, but that isn't equivalent to a VAT.

  7. Tax is tax, whether it's a value-added tax, a corporate income tax, personal income tax, sales tax, excise tax, inheritance tax, gift tax, or estate tax.

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