
What is tazbar online auction?

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it has an item on there for much cheaper than ebay has it and its from a person in bejing. it says its not a bootleg asian copy, but im not sure i should trust the site/person.




  1. Tazbar is a fast growing UK auction site and because, at basic level, it has free listings a number of sellers can and do sell their items cheaper than on sites that charge a fee.

  2. tazbar is a different site to any other auction or ecommerce site in that they have had the problems and dealt with them in a proffesional manner and come through the problems all ecommerce sites face with a stronger attitude and better understanding of the market place. the taz support and development team are always willing to listen and help whenever they can and some great advise is to be had in the tazbar forums.

  3. As has been stated, Tazbar is a relative newcomer on the online auction scene - having started up in August 2006. That is when I joined, and I have nothing but praise for the site, and the folks who run it. I've been a seller on eBay since the year 2K, and after becoming very disillusioned, I found Tazbar to be like a breath of fresh air.

    I can assure the OP that Taz (as it's known to its members) do take their responsibilities to buyers seriously. When reported, dubious sellers are removed very quickly, unlike a certain other site I could mention.  

    As with any online purchase, it pays to do a little research before parting with your cash. Without more information, I'm reluctant to comment on the seller, but you can most definitely trust the site, (and I've always found that their support is excellent if ever I've had any problems.) :o)

  4. tazbar auctions is a selling/auction site just like ebay,the site is still quite new and growing daily,i have been there for over a year and sold well.I cant comment on a particular user~sorry.The site is fab,well worth the effort.good luck debs

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