
What is tennis elbow?

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What is tennis elbow?




  1. it hurts really bad and its in ur elbow and its when u plat tennis to much or hit the ball really hard or the wrong grip

  2. Tennis elbow is inflammation on the elbow from repetition of like me vaccuming every day for 20 some odd years and i got it all the time

    it takes a while to heal. Need an elbow brace to help. Sometime it took up to 6 weeks for mine to stop hurting.


  3. irritation of the synovial membrane, or joint rotary area, of the elbow, caused by immoderate motions while playing tennis or other sports; epicondylitis. .... hope it can help you... ^_^

  4. It is when you play a little too much tennis. It can be caused by accidentally hurting yourself or hitting the ball too hard. Your elbow starts to hurt when you move it can prevent you from playing the sport for a long time.

  5. Tennis elbow is inflammation of the bony lump on the outer part of the elbow.

    Tennis elbow is caused by excessive or repeated use of the muscles that straighten and raise the hand and wrist.

    Any activity that twists and extends the wrist can lead to tennis elbow. Despite the name, tennis elbow can be caused by other activities besides racket sports.

    Tennis elbow occurs most commonly when the forearm muscles are suddenly used a lot without having been used much before.

  6. I dun noe much about tennis elbow, but it's about playing tennis to often or an unsuitable grip. It could also be caused when you hit the ball too hard. It will cause pain and when you move your elbow.
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