
What is that armpit pose they do on So You Think You Can Dance?

by  |  earlier

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First off, I think the pose is annoying, but I'd really like to know what it means anyway. It looks like they fold their arm up (like flexing their bicep) and do some sort of gang sign with their fingers on their shoulder. lol.




  1. Lol ! yeah i didn't get it at first either. But on one of the episodes a lot of them were wearing shirts that said IV Real , and IV is the roman numeral for 4 so it meant "for real"   .  And if you do that sign and look at yourself doing it, it looks like a 4 , thus "4" real.

  2. hahhahah lol fooooreal IVREAL--season four  

  3. Lol. Its not a gang sign. It means "For real, For real" Its they symbol for season 4.  

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