
What is that line that runs between a black hole? Right in the middle.

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What is that line that runs between a black hole? Right in the middle.




  1. The one up above and below?  These are jets of material, spewing out and away from the black hole.  We've observed them, not only in black holes but also GRBs and AGNs, but exactly how they work is not yet understood.  But we know they are there.

  2. It is material that is being sucked in or jettisoned out into space.

    Black Holes are completely invisible.  The only reason we know of them is through patterns of stars and material going into one spot.  There are special instruments that can show the outline of this area.

  3. That is an artist conception of force or energy being pulled down into the BH.  Since light cannot escape a BH one could not see anything in a BH

  4. doesnt a blackhole bend space so if u could go through it without being crushed (which u couldnt) u cud pop out anywhere :O so its the only way to travel faster than light

    like folding a piece of paper to get from 1 end to another  

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