
What is that machine called that beeps when someone dies?

by  |  earlier

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Might seem a strange question but I need to know. :)





  1. A Heart Monitor? or is that too easy an answer


    A Respirator although I think that may have to do with lungs.

    Lets hope we don't have to find the answer first hand, Good Health and Good Luck

  2. Because the person has no pulse, therefore its dead.

  3. an E.C.G? Its the machine which records the heart rate, the lines on the screen show the electrical activity of the heart.

    Electro-Cardio-Graph i think it stands for.

  4. It is known as an EKG ( ECG) machine = electrocardiogram that measures a person's heart rate, heart rhythm, blood pressure, and their oxygen saturation ( percentage of how much oxygen is circulating in the blood ( basic explanation). Then there is a telemetry unit that measures a person's heart rate, rhythm, blood pressure. Usually, a pulse oximeter is used to check their oxygen level. If the patient is ambulatory or walking around, the telemetry unit will monitor their heart rhythm and pulse.

    The machine will beep when the heart rhythm becomes irregular, if the pulse is too low or, there is no pulse ( known as a " flatline ").

    I hope that this is helpful.

  5. EKG monitor or heart monitor or telemetry monitor

    all different names for the same thing

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