
What is that play where edward finds out he has a fiance or something like that? and What is a good monologe?

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My guy friend and I need to find a monolge to do together. And we wanted something really fun. I remember one time in acting class the kids did a scene from this play, and for the life of me I can't remember the name of it! But i remember his characters name was Edward, and that there was this crazy girl who thought he purposed to her and she had it written in her diary and the whole nine yards! It was really funny, but i just dont know the name of the play. I don't have much information on it, but does anyone know which play I am talking about?

And if not, does anyone have any suggestions for a funny monologe between a guy and a girl?




  1. The only play I can think of that had this storyline is called "Sincerely Yours" by Didi Pelev. I saw it live in Yucaipa,CA about a year ago.

    As for the monologue, a monologue is done by one actor; a dialogue is between two or more actors. If you want to do a really funny scene with a guy and a girl, try something by Neil Simon. He's a comic genius! I did a scene with one of my friends from "Barefoot in the Park" for an acting class project and our teacher said that everyone else had to live up to our performance.

    Hope this helps!

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