
What is that screen with the multi-colored bars that is on TV when a station is having techincal difficulties?

by Guest63974  |  earlier

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What is it called?




  1. They are called color bars.  They are a test pattern used to set up video and monitors.  There are may versions, full field (the bars go from top to bottom), split field (the bars cover the top 3/4 of the screen and the bottom is a second signal called "pluge"), SIMPTE bars (split field bars with a strip of the bars in reverse order), and the newer digital split field bars with a ramp pattern (wash) in the bottom 1/4 of the screen.

    Around a TV station, they are usually just called "bars".  I worked with one director that called them "stripes & sound", just to be different . . . He always was a bit strange . . .

    I hope this helps.

  2. I learned it in college but I have forgotten after 20 years...I think it is a Chroma-graph but we also called them just 'color bars'  and on Video University web they are NTSC color bars...they use this for calibration of the video.

  3. SMPTE color bars or just color bars  (SMPTE= Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers)

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