
What is that thing when you go on a airplane and you can experiance zero-gravity called?

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What is that thing when you go on a airplane and you can experiance zero-gravity called?




  1. its G-Force

  2. Negative G's

    See "Airtime".

  3. Well, it's called free-fall, and the few planes designed for this activity follow "parabolic" arcs - climbing steeply, then nosing over so that the whole plane is 'falling' at the speed gravity acts.  

    I was in a plane that did it briefly by accident, once...  They don't call it the 'vomit comet' for nuthin'....

  4. When you are in free-fall you are in zero-G, this is what the airplanes which reproduce Zero-G, they are falling, and yes in a parabolic path.  This only lasts 30-40 seconds per "fall" as I understand.

  5. I think Zero G is the most popular one I'ver heard of. They all are called zero-gravity flights, but there a some different companies.

  6. Free falling , its called the vomit comet.

  7. When your vertical acceleration is equal to the acceleration of gravity (9.81 m/s^2) you will experience zero gravity. There is a military jet similar to a commercial airliner with no real seating on the interior used to train astronauts nicknamed the "Vomit Comet" that will go into a climb and then at a prescribed rate, bring the nose of the aircraft down which creates a big arc. The plane is flying through the air but the passengers are falling inside the plane with the acceleration of gravity. The reason why passengers on the space shuttle experience zero gravity in orbit is because both the space shuttle and the passengers are going so fast while gravity is pulling them down, they are literally "falling around the earth" in space. That's enough for the physics lesson for today. Hope that helped.

  8. Parabolic flight----

  9. It's a parabolic dive or parabolic flight path

    The C-131 used for training by the Mercury astronauts was dubbed the Vomit Comet, a name that has pretty much stuck with all successors.

    Perhaps you were looking for this (found in Wikipedia):

    In late 2004, Zero Gravity Corporation became the first and only company in the United States to offer parabolic weightlessness flights to the general public. Each flight consists of around 15 parabolas, including simulations of the gravity levels of the Moon and Mars, as well as complete weightlessness.

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