
What is that white stuff that the gymnasts put on there hands at the Olympics? ?

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Also does anyone know if praying is banned in the Olympics? I watch a lot of sports, especially football and I always notice that before a big game, the teams pray, or before a kick off or coin toss they cross there hearts like a Hail Mary, or say things like "thank you GOD" if they win. I have not seen anything like this yet on the Olympics, is it banned? I was thinking maybe because so many countries competing and a lot of different countries = different beliefs? Not sure if anyone knows these 2 answers, but if you do that would be great! Thanks!




  1. The white stuff is chalk, and it helps the gymnasts with their grips.

    As for praying, they can't ban that. Last night during swimming I saw one swimmer pointing to Heaven a couple of times and doing the sign of the cross a couple of times before swimming. And the gymnasts all seem to close their eyes as if praying before they compete. Some may just be focusing, others are probably praying.  

  2. The white stuff is chalk which helps with grip and no there is not a ban on praying.

  3. Ya, the white stuff is indeed chalk, you will also see them spray their hands off to clean them then put honey on them so the chalk mixes with it for a nice thick paste. Allows them to hold on to the bars when doing those high speed aerial maneuvers. They also rub down the bars with it, Praying and/or any religious statement isn't banned from olympics. You normally don't see it in the Olympics because I think they try to refrain from it as much as possible to keep things from getting out of hand. So many things these athletes do and say are taken and ran with. So they really have to watch with media around on what they do and say.  

  4. not sure about praying but the white stuff is powdered chalk so their palms do not get sweaty and helps them keep their grip

  5. chalk

  6. Ever had sweaty palms and tried swinging on the monkey bars at school and gotten that "eeeeeekkkkk" feeling that stung like crazy because the damp skin didn't wanna let go of the bar?  Gymnasts chalk their hands so that doesn't happen.

    I'd say with the Olympics, it's more of a personal thing to pray, or there's just soooo much to cover that they don't bother showing it when some of the teams are praying.

  7. It's chalk and it gives you traction so when you start sweating profusely under pressure you won't slip. And I don't know about praying, maybe they just don't want to be disrespectful to others.  

  8. Yeah that's chalk for grip, and the olympics cannot ban praying.

    You just dont see it on t.v., but remember that most of the world is religious, and so yes, nearly every athlete preys at some time, even if they're not religious, they " thinkfully hope" that they will win.

  9. nothing but chalk for better grip.

    each person can pray/meditate by themselves i guess. what do you think Nastia must be doing when she closes her eyes and enters this trance like state. i don't know about her personal beliefs but she is either praying or meditating. she is not the only person who does this though,  

  10. People do pray in silence. My guess is that when you saw the gymnasts sitting in silence with their eyes closed, that's exactly what they were doing. And, it's Chalk that they use to help them with their grip.

  11. baby powder or chalk.

  12. Chalk powder.

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