
What is the #1 reason why Muslims are astray today?

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True the dunia does have most of them wrapped up. That is why only a handful help and the rest take.




  1. Their unconditional love for this dunya and useless things!! =/  

  2. they dont follow Quran  .....?

  3. Allah (swt) guides whomsoever He wills. Those that are on the straight path must continue to hold on to the rope of Allah (swt).

    The Shaythan will always have a strangle hold on Muslims. Those that are on the straight path should do our bit and give good nasiha, advise and Dawa, inviting people to Islam.

    There has always been the dunya, and will continue to exist, the question is, are we willing to put in the effort and enjoin the good and forbid the evil?

  4. Although most Muslims will say it is because the person was hurt by another Muslim, or are led astray by someone from a different religion, they want to participate in things that are not Islamic, etc. the main reason is because they have found the religion to contain false teachings or they just cannot accept what the quran and hadiths say.  The people who leave Islam do so for the same reasons people of other religions leave theirs.  Muslims convert for the same reasons other's convert, because they know longer find their religion to be the truth.

  5. Muslims these days are very tempted about worldly possessions [especially the youths], mainly drugs [smoking, drinking - from peer pressure and western lifestyle], s*x and money.

    They do not realise the graveness of their actions or how much they sin. They are more aware of how other people see them, not how God sees them. Pleasure and selfishness take over them and they're blinded from what God has permitted them to do and what God has made haraam.

    Especially in a western world, where the 3 main things : s*x, Drugs, Money are all being promoted. s*x - through newspapers, films, magazines. Drugs - through cigarette adverts and alcohol adverts, and Money - through gambling/betting adverts and the numerous betting shops and casinos around. These 3 things are all worldly temporary possessions. People keep forgetting everything belongs to God, and we have everything whilst we are alive temporarily. When we die, we lose everything and we will be held accountable for our actions.

    And only Allah knows best.

  6. Because many prefer they're own culture to islam ,and they make true muslims look bad.  

  7. The media has a lot to do with it some muslims think they should act the way the see others and that leads them astray, they care more about fitting in then pleasing Allah...

    Wont happen with me!

    what is Mehdi????some thing in Hindu right?

  8. Because they have not accepted Imam Mahdi and the Messiah of the time.


    This indeed is the time of the Messiah

    Hadnt I come, someone else would have come

    (Hadhrat Ahmad (as) 1835-1908)

  9. Because It's easier to do wrong than right. It's easier to be ignorant than to try to understand Islam. We care too much for materialistic things, and being liked or accepted by the people around us that we do what they want us to do rather than what Allah wants us to do.

    It's too easy to give into temptations, especially in the west, where all your friends drink, eat haram, wear revealing clothes, have boyfriends etc. Every store you go to sells alcohol bla blah...

    I guess that's what separates the strong muslims from the weak.  

  10. Al Asr, time

    that is the only reason.

  11. Becuase they are not recognizing the unifying power of the Imam Mahdi and Messih.  Those Muslims who have recognized him are blessed with a Khalifa, and are unified and on the siratul mustaqeen as a whole.

    As Muslims accept Hazrat Ahmad (as), the Imam Mahdi and Promised Messiah, they will rise to the top ranks of the world in everything good, insha'allah.  This indeed is the promise of Allah.

    love for all, hatred for none

  12. influence from non religious people......?

  13. There are many reasons.  Part of the answer is people like you, "Peter Parker", who push them away and reinforce stereotypes.  

  14. Temptation, I think. I mean, not that things weren't tempting before, but it just seems like the whole world has this mentally of "I want it, so I have to have it". Whether it's tonnes of lovers, fancy fast cars, drugs, alcohol, big house, whatever. And I think Muslims are getting swept up in it. And I think partially the reason that is happening is because spritual leaders are suagr-coating things saying things like "God is Love, He'll forgive you no matter what you do." or "God judges only based on intention" while those things may be true in part, they forget to leave out that God does punish, God does judge actions and words as well as intentions.

    I have heard some Muslims say that it doesn't matter if they drink. As long as they regret it and say sorry, then they can drink as much as they want.

    So yeah, I'd say that the #1 reason why Muslims go astray is because of temptation.  

  15. false doctrines, strange commands,fabrications and lies called hadith books

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