
What is the #1 reason you run?

by  |  earlier

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A. To lose weight

B. To be generally healthy

C. To get energized

D. To blow off steam

E. To run fast




  1. I don't run for enjoyment.

    I find it intensely boring at times, however, I find it is, for me, one of the best exercises I can do that will burn calories and give me a good cardiovascular workout.

  2. all of them.why? it is a domino effect. they all go together.

  3. a -lose weight.

  4. all of them

  5. I run really because i love it to blow off steam and to get fast

    oo and my track coach said its mandatory

  6. A,B,C, and mostly D

    Don't much care about E.

    OH and also F....because someone is chasing me!!!

  7. to cut weight when i'm cutting instead of bulking

  8. B, and E, and

    F. the sense of acheivement and

    G. the competition

  9. B. and D.

  10. B, C, and D

  11. cause I like to...........

    feel the breeze...............


  12. E- for football

    but also i just like to run for like 3 miles then get runners high, where you feel like your running through air.

  13. B, C, and E. and it's fun!!

  14. uh none of the above. i only do it when i absolutly HAVE to. otherwise HELLLL NO !

  15. It's fun, and something im really getting better at.

    plus it helps with soccer. :D

  16. E. But it's also the funnest thing ever

  17. Well, generally, I run to relieve stress! I mean, feeling the wind brushing against my skin, it's some sorta emancipation from the horrors of this world!

  18. I am in a hurry

  19. all of them.

    fat people : A

    Anybody : B

    Anybody : C

    Anybody : D

    Olympic/club/county runners : E

  20. To get away from police

  21. they're all a reason for me ( except # 1)

    but i'd have to say D. cuz my life is like living in h**l

    fights, stress, thoughts,hate it all

  22. A,B,C,D,&E are all good reasons:

    I run to not only stay fit, but to also stay one step above the competition.

  23. I get a natural high from it.

    especially on relays, its a big rush when you have the baton.

    A-E are just pluses

  24. B, D, and E

    and to have fun, be with friends, and enjoy the wonderful outdoors! :)

  25. All of them

    Also to build muscle with your legs.

  26. mostly B....i do it to be healthy....i do not want to get cancer or anything else....i'm a big health nut!

    i try to real healthy!

    hope i helped!


  27. none of the above... i run because the love of the sport... Athletics is the true sport of men/women

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