
What is the 1st key to success is?

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What is the 1st key to success is?




  1. Believe in yourself.

  2. education is the key to life; without it .its nothing you would not go far than you expected..

  3. perseverence... i wouldn't say education because even though it helps you out A LOT.. its no always the case, there are plenty people who have learned to make a living without education.... its all in your head.

  4. believing in yourself

  5. Purpose. A goal.

    With no goals, you cant acheive much.

  6. It's not enough to believe in yourself. You have to associate severe pain to things that prevent you from being successful and pleasure to the things that are difficult to do that help you to become successful. For example,  If you smoke cigarettes and you want to quit, everytime you feel like smoking, visualize people suffering with lung cancer or emphysema. If you want to lose weight, you have to associate eating excessive amounts of "comfort foods" (foods laden with saturated fats and sugar) with severe debilitating diseases, of which there are too many to list that are diet based. If money is what you want, you have to associate work with intense pleasure and wasting time with with the pain of poverty.

  7. confidence in urself

  8. happiness.

    You can be highly educated and not happy so success doesn't come.

    You can be beautiful and not happy, you can be rich as rich can be but not being happy leaves you making the wrong decisions.

  9. dilligence

  10. Not using "is" twice in that question.

  11. I would have to include 2 ( education is a given)

    1.  A burning desire to be successful and a no quit attitude

    2.  Self confidence that nothing can or will stop you

    3.  I just have to include this because it does make a difference . The friends you pick to be around . If they are not going in the same direction you are , they will try to win you over

    Choose your friends wisely

    I hope this helps you , Good luck and God bless

  12. Confidence in self.

    Don't fear failure.

    Choose something that really interests you.

    Create your long term goals and then break them down into short term goals needed to achieve your big goal.

    Being persistent.

    Be patient.

  13. google

  14. knowledge

  15. planing ahead, staying organized, and never giving up on your dreams

  16. Very Useful Site ::

  17. a specific goal and then


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