
What is the 2010 AQA Specification?

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I am fourteen years old and home educated. I was hoping to use AQA for all my GCSE exams but I can't find any 2010 specifications.

Do I need to use the 2009 specs? or have AQA just not published the ones for 2010 yet? :S

Can someone please explain all the new GCSE's etc? I'm really confussed by it all!





  1. Not sure (I'm Australian and an unschooler so neither England nor school exams are things that i really concern myself with too often, *grin*) however, I found numerous mentions of 2010 specs in both these:

    One other thing: have you considered what you will do about GCSE coursework? The homeschoolers I do know in the UK have tended to do IGCSEs (the international GCSEs) or simply to eschew GCSEs altogether and go straight to A Levels, NVQs, Btec etc.

    The only other thing I can suggest is that you try asking somewhere there are more UK homeschoolers, such as the Education Otherwise site.

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