
What is the 3 race theory???

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i am east indian. from the punjab region. where would i fit in




  1. well, let's see. theory? i don't think so. how about fact. there are three classifications:  *******, caucasoid, mongoloid. you'd fit into the mongoloid, as i. however, you're closer to the source than i. my ancestors are of the asian past - like way back.  eyes & cast of eyes usually tell you everything. people get nose jobs, facials, inter-marriage, etc. but they eyes are rarely 'touched'.  when using the term 'theory' , you are implying an unproven thought or idea. since we can separate life on this planet into the three catagories , like animal, vegetable or mineral, people also can be classified into the big three.  no theory there. you have definite lineages of human development & it all has to be where their points of origin are traced. like i said. check the eyes, not color of eyes. cast of eye contours tells you all you need to know.

  2. The three races are probably as some people have said: caucasoid (like Aryan), ******* (African), and mongoloid (Asian ppl like the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Southeast Asian).

    Caucasoid people originally come from an area ranging from Germany to Iran, including the Caucus Mountains near Armenia and that area. These people were herders, nomads, and hunters, like mountain people with a lot of hair and originally lighter skin. Some of these nomads settled as far as South Asia and make up areas like Pakistan, Punjab, UP, Kashmir, all of Northern India. Over time they got somewhat darker skin as they adopted to the hotter climate.

    The ******* race is from Africa. They have darker skin because of their proximity to the equator and hotter climate which requires more skin pigmentation to avoid sunburn. South Indians are said to be of this race originally, as India was once connected to Africa, before the geological plates moved it to asia, creating the Himalayas during the "crash."

    The Mongoloid race includes the East Asian people and the people that crossed the Bering Strait  (between Alaska and Russia) from Asia to the Americas during the Ice Age when this was possible. So people in Latin American countries are actually a mix of mongoloid (West Indians) and caucasoid race (the Spanish invaders).

  3. The idea was that any individual could be placed into one of three distinct "races" - caucasoid (white), mongoloid (asian), or ******* (black).

    It's preposterous, of course.  There are population differences between groups, but there are no true "races" the way biologists define the word.  

    You're a prime example of the confusion that results in trying to place people into boxes that don't really fit.  

    Anthropologists first developed the three-race idea, then kept trying to fine-tune it so that everyone can be classified.  At one point, someone (I think it was Coon?) identified over 100 races, and there was still dissent.

    They finally gave up.

    Today, anthropologists realize that race is a sociological construct rather than a biological typology.

  4. The three known races are Humans (Homo sapiens), Reptilians (Reptilis sapiens) of which the Serpenoids (Serpent Beings) are a branch, and the Beetloids (Insectum sapiens), an intelligent insect race.  The species known as "Grays" are a product of genetic engineering and are actually biotic-robots with insulatory systems not needing food.  The Grays are preprogrammed as "The Watchers" having the celestial task of maintaining species reproductivity, hence they are genetic harvesters.  They often reseed planets like Earth in post-cosmocataclysmic periods.  One "hybrid" species which has been infiltrated onto Earth for the coming planetary takeover and will be the ruling class during a 7-year global dictatorship under their leader, Lord Natas (Satan spelled backwards) is called "Homo isarno sapiens", a blend between Homo sapiens and "Isarno sapiens" (Iron Race) a genetically engineered super-species symbolized as strong as iron, blending the two into a "Preterhuman" (Super-Human).  This is prophesied in the Book of Daniel, Chapter 2, and verse 43: "As you saw IRON (Isarno sapiens) mixed with ceramic CLAY (Homo sapiens), THEY will mingle with the Seed OF MEN; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay."

  5. black / white/ asian

    depending on who you talk to you would be either asian or black

  6. It used to be said that everybody could be put into three different racial groups: European, or white; African, or black; and Asian, or yellow. If I were to classify you I would put you in the Asian or yellow category. That's about all I know.

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