
What is the 'best' time of the year (and age of older child) to have a second child?

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So I know this sounds silly... but in your opinion what is the 'best' time of the year (and age of older child) to have a second child? My daughter will be two in a few weeks and, we'd love to make her a big sister. We want our timing to be the best for everyone. Since we're able to plan this I figured I'd give it some thought...

Thanks in advance!




  1. doesn't really matter

  2. WELL I would say not to far apart because it would be hard to grow together so i would say 2-3 years apart

  3. id like my bday to be in like may or april, just because its no fun having a summer bday.  i think that you should either have your kids 1-2 years apart so they can be best friends, or have them 4-5 years apart so they wont be in the same school together.

  4. I had mine close in age.  I timed having my second so that the last trimester of my pregnancy was in the winter.  Think of what time you felt most comfortable in your pregnancy.  If you liked the summer heat or winter chill during the pregnancy try to time it so that you will be able to enjoy it.  I enjoyed my second pregnancy most, mainly because I didn't have the first mom worries and because I was comfortable with my environment.  Good luck!

  5. I think that i would rather be pregnant when its cold, rather then when its hot out! can you imagine it being like 90 degrees, toting around a baby? ughhhhhh....

  6. Everyone says three years apart is good. I have news to those people. IT'S NOT!!! Me and my sister are three years apart and we fight and argue most of the time. I would think having them as close together as possible would be best.

  7. Conceive at end of summer have the baby in the Spring (it can be uncomfortable being preg. through the summer)

    Age difference 4-5 years apart

  8. my brother is two years older than me and we were both born in the summer.

  9. My son was four when my daughter was born a few months ago. The age difference is perfect for us. He understands what a sister is and thought it was cool to see my tummy grow. He isn't jealous at all because he's out of the terrible two's, it's all about me phase. He's also the best helper ever because he's capable of going potty, getting dressed, sleeps thru the night, plays well on his own, etc. It was hard to wait as long as we did to have a second baby but we're so glad we did. It was well worth the wait for us.

  10. two to four years apart is nice. It's an age where the kdis can still play together and learn from each other.

  11. It depends on your financial situation.  Can you afford braces 3 years apart?  College 3 years apart? Cars 3 years apart?  How are your nerves?  Will your brain survive the trauma of having 2 teenagers at the same time?  lol!

    I'd say that now is the time.  There is no "best time of the year" for everybody.  If you live in an area with harsh winters, then you want to try to avoid a due date in winter (getting to the hospital while you are snowed in is pretty tough, lol).  If you live in an area where the summer heat reached 115 degrees, then you want to avoid a due date in the summer (nobody wants to be fat, sweaty and uncomfortable in horribly uncomfortable heat, lol).  So, when figuring out the "best time of year" you need to look at where you live and decide what time of year will be the least horrible when you are nine months pregnant and ready to explode!

  12. i say 2 years! my boys are exactly 2 year and 2 weeks apart and they play great together!!

  13. when they five yers apart

  14. Best time of year would definately be winter!  Never be pregnant in the summer or you will be miserably hot all the time.

  15. i think you should wait till your child is 3 or 4 that way she is a little more indepedent and you can juggle her and the baby better i also think haveing a spring or summer baby is better becuase there are so many people who have birthdays in the winter its overcrowding

  16. Best to have them one or two years apart so they can be each others playmates, have each others hand-me-downs and you can get it over with (I have 3).

    It is best to get pregnant in April-May so you can avoid being huge in the summer heat, unless you are working in the school system, then you want to give birth in May so you can take less leave.

    Also, remember, if a child is born between September and June they will have to start school a year later because of age cut-off; depending on the state.

  17. not over 4-5 me and my bro r 7 yeers appart....i love em but it was hard growing up. id say 2-3. :-) good luck!!

  18. i'd say a year or so after. now is a good time for it because you don't want the child to be too far apart in ages. i'd say you're perfect! 1-4 (even 5) years apart is good. that way they are able to grow up together and share memories.

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