
What is the 3rd smallest country in the world?

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Well everyone knows that the largest country in the world is called Russia, but what about the 3rd country in the world, what is it called? It starts with "M" and ends with "A".




  1. San Marino

  2. malaysia?

  3. 3 is Tuvalu.  Comprising four reef islands and five true atolls with a gross land area of just 26 square kilometres (10 sq mi), it is the third-least populated, and third smallest, independent country in the world, with only Vatican City and Nauru having fewer inhabitants.

    4. San Marino

    5. Liechtenstein

    6. Maldives

    7. Malta

  4. Monaco - and I didn't copy answer I already knew.

  5. If you already know, then this isn't really a question.

    Are you tring to see how much smarter you are than everyone else?

    Thats kinda lame. No wait, it is lame.

  6. Monaco is the second smallest country in the world!!!

    Nauru is the third smallest country in the world

  7. Your thinking of Malta, however that is 11th.

    The 3rd. is Nauru - 8.5 square miles - The 13,000 residents of the Pacific island Nauru rely on diminishing phosphate deposits. The state became independent in 1968 and was formerly known as Pleasant Island.  

  8. I just looked it up and this is the answer I got -


    Special Notes: Second smallest independent state in the world.

    Size: 1.95 sq km

    Population: 32,409 (July 2005 est.)

    It's 3rd on the list of smallest though.

    Another site says it's " Nauru".


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