
What is the 5 most productive agricultural regions of the USA?

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What is the 5 most productive agricultural regions of the USA?




  1. Check this Sites ............

  2. Productive for WHAT?  Your question is too open ended, especially since the word "agriculture" would include fruits, berries, nuts, vegtables, crops (like grains & potatoes), dairy, beef, pork, chickens, fish farming, timber, the sugars (cane, beets, corn, sorghum, honey, maple), tobacco, and even odder items like "farms" which produce labritory mice & rats (yes they too fall under agriculture).

    Do you mean the shear number of tons of ALL agricultural products of areas, or do you only want to know for some particular agricultural products, like grains, or apples?

    If you mean only the shear volume/tons of stuff, Idaho probably tops the list (even over California).

    With the amount of potatos, sugar beets, grains, alfalfa, and dairy products Idaho produces the tonage alone is simply staggering.  

    If you ment the amount of MONEY an agricultural area brings in, California by far tops the list.  California's grape/wine industry alone brings in staggering amounts of money, not to mention their valuable dollar crops, like pistachios, and avacados.

    Places that have cattle feedlots (like Texas, and Nebraska) would also be high on the MONEY produced areas.

    So narrow your question down, and you will get better answers.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  3. California is most productive in vegetable's. Montana edges by Kansas for most productive spring wheat. Iowa most productive in corn (one would think Illinois or Indiana, however over pouring of concrete has been their demise). The Carolina's most productive in tobacco, Oregon most productive in pot although northern California is very productive in that department as well. That seems like an oxymoron to me. "Most Productive" and "Pot" should probably not be used in the same sentence. Could be why California has so many vegetable's.

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