
What is the 800-year lag argument concerning global warming? what caused this lag?

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What is the 800-year lag argument concerning global warming? what caused this lag?




  1. why do we blame global warming on humans, dont we all know the sun is getting hotter, we have no way of knowing this but i beleive it is ready to explode on us one day soon.

  2. If the predictions of EDGAR CAYCE and NOSTRADAMUS and the MAYAN CALLENDER are anything to go by,as interpreted by, obviously wiser men,than me.The world will get hit by a comet or huge asteroid(yes,i said asteroid ) in the year 2012,apparently this gives us 4 more years to get it done.

  3. Dana1981asked this question 3 hours before you did.  It's still on the screen!;...

    Maybe you can compare notes.

  4. We used to get snow every year arround 5 feet of it no we dont get any at all.I beleive it but not sure what started it all.But I do hold humans responsible for the majority.Jed Slade is right.2012 your going to fry and the annunaki will make you a s*x slave.Its been said that they only like having s*x with arregent people who deserve it in the butt.They like greedy people to.

  5. I explained it at the link below.  See the section entitled 'Carbon Dioxide Feedbacks'.

  6. It's the average length of time between the rise in temperature and the rise in CO2 level. This may be inconvenient for those claiming CO2 causes temp to rise but it's even apparent in the graph Al Gore displays in his movie. It's difficult to see since he kept the two graph lines well apart, but if you merge them you can see the relationship between CO2 and temp has always been the inverse of what the IPCC claims.

    It's gotten scandalous what with NASA's GISS manipulating the numbers without explanation, sometimes up and sometimes down, but always to better fit their boss, James Hansen's claims that CO2 will end the world. Surface stations are routinely moved to sites that directly violate NOAA guidelines, siting them too close to heat sources or paved areas, yet NASA will not demonstrate that they correct for this as they claim. And why do all the moves seem to end with higher readings, sometimes as much as 3C? Curious.

    If you want to read more about this, just search any of these topics, I suggest you read both sides of the argument and reach your own conclusion. Anything spoon-fed to you will be worth nothing.

    **edit I don't know what to say to jed and mike k, but the Mayan calendar does not end in 2012, it merely resets to a new phase. If they were such good prognosticators, don't you think they'd have been prepared for the Conquistadors when they arrived? And Cayce and Nostradamus say whatever you'd like them to say, just as a horoscope will fit anyone if they believe in it. Try reading the predictions for the wrong sign to someone else and see how eagerly they'll find ways to make it fit anyway, as long as they believe. If you believe aliens are on their way, I think you missed the Mother Ship, it arrived in 1997

  7. A MYTH

  8. Well as the suns activity level increases, earths average temperature increases (including temperature of earth's water).

    Quick Notes

    95% of the CO2 is in the water.

    As temperature of water increases, its unable to hold as much CO2 as it normally does.

    This is for some reason around a 600-1200 year process. I know, a long time. But this is a fact and accepted by all global warming believers, so called "deniers" and skeptics.

  9. In the past warming started for other reasons.  Then after hundreds of years warming ocean water released CO2.  The process has to take hundreds of years, it can't happen fast.

    This time is different.  THERE IS NO LAG, temperature and CO2 are going up together.

    Most all scientists say this is because this is NOT a natural process, but that mostly, man made CO2 is causing the warming.

  10. To best of my knowledge the 800 year lag refers to temperature-CO2 correlation. According to scientists the temperature goes up first and then in 800 years the CO2 goes up too. This trend continues for all temperature variations thereby proving that CO2 does not drive temperature rise but temperature rise drives CO2 levels.

  11. the rise in CO2 is 800 yrs behind temperature rise

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