
What is the Age of Consent in your country?

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Is the age of consent in your country fair, do you think it should be lower/higher? Where do you live? In New Zealand the age of consent, like in the UK is 16. I think it should be 18, but hey that's just me.




  1. I think in Canada it's like 14 but I'm not sure.

  2. Age of consent laws vary by State,if it involves consentual reations with a marital promise then it may be at the age of 15.

    Most U.S States recognize the legal age of emancipation is the age of 18,however most may not allow hard liquor purchases until 21.

  3. it is 18 and thats fair enough i think  USA

  4. 16 in the US. I think it should be higher.

  5. The USA does not have a set standard age of consent.  Each state sets its own age; but most agree that 16 is the age of consent.  

    The age of consent only defines when a person can have s*x with an adult legally.  Teens younger than 16 can have s*x together under the laws in most states; and, of course, there are those who ignore the law anyway.  Fortunately, a good number of adults who have s*x with minors get caught.

  6. In Italy is 14 (the same as for half of European countries); main exceptions are: is 13 if the difference of age is no more than three years; is 16 if the other person has some kind of influence on the development on him/her (for instance, a teacher).

    Italy has one of the lowest teenage pregnancy rate in the world (actually the only Country in Western Europe with an high rate is the UK)

  7. Depends on the state. Most states have it at 18

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