
What is the BASIC difference between Tibetan & Chinese food?

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What is the BASIC difference between Tibetan & Chinese food?




  1. tibetan is spicier:)

  2. I thought tibetan's were vegetarians is it?

  3. You can beat a Tibetan, but you can't beat the Chinese.

    Sorry for the politics.

    Very little I'd suspect.

  4. quite different actually more barley, less rice is the principle difference. They use the flour from the barley. They do eat meat but it's more goat and yak. They also use the milk from those to make dairy products like yogurt and cheese. It's quite tasty, had it at an ashram in Woodstock.

  5. I have actually eaten Tibetan food many times & of course, Chinese.  They are very different, I think Tibetan food is largely influenced by its geography & location.  Due to it's high altitude location in the mountains, fresh fruit & veggies are rare.  Their main crop is barley and they eat alot of tsampa (barley dough) which is their main staple diet.  They also use barley flour to make noodles and dumplings (momos).  It's a very simple rustic cuisine.

    Their source of dairy comes from the yak (milk, butter & cheese).  Their meat sources are also limited (yak, goat...).

    They also drink alot of tea.

    In contrast, Chinese cuisine contains lots of seafood, fresh fruits & veggies.  It has alot more variety as well.  Rice is a main staple and barley products are rarely used.  Non veg meats are not an issue & there is also lots of poultry.

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