
What is the BIGGEST problem kids are facing in schools today?

by  |  earlier

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When I went to school, it was only drinking, a few drugs (that aren't popular like the ones today) and pregancy (it was still SO taboo back then!). What are the major problems today?




  1. 1. The escalation of the problems you mentioned.

    2. The cancer of all hope, no direction, all the

    motivation and insperation are useless without

    direction. you can't be anything when there's

    nothing left to be, kids are alone and for the

    first time, this generation is too paiinfully aware

    of it, it's like there here and every one else who

    counts for anything has gone to the moon.

    kind of like taking the ferari out of the garage

    merely for it's week end excursion tour just

    to cruis up and down main street in small town


    3. Commitment, not only to love but to everything,

    no one commits to anything anymore, life has

    become a get rich quick scheme instead of a a solid

    investment for a long term future, if people even know

    what  long term means any more, to hear how people

    talk about school you'd think every one contracted a

    terminal disease with only 6 mo. to  live . . .

    " What is the BIGGEST problem kids are facing in schools today? "

    what to do about the problems we left them, from out side of school

    yesterday . . .

  2. faggg0t rape

  3. Nothing to wear for school!



  5. bullies

  6. even though they all say all the people are alike, i believe there's still racism problems going on, self confidence, sexual harassment, drugs,

    they do anything nowadays just to be cool


  7. The biggest problem is actually the sorry state of public schools themselves.  Increasingly more teachers are underqualified (and underpaid), and academic performance amongst Ameican students is subpar to their peers in other industrialized nations.  Many of today's kids are simply unprepared to meet the challenges of tomorrow.  In generations past, the bar was set much lower because most occupations required little, if any, post-secondary education.  Nowadays, most professions and trades require at least a college degree or comprehensive certification.  (Should we be surprised at the number of HB1 visas being issued because companies cannot find enough qualified applicants here at home?)  Instead of encouraging kids to be more academically proficient by challening them, we are just lowering the standards to make it easier for them and to artificially inflate the numbers measuring performance (the dumbing down of American society).

    Many of these other problems faced by children (s*x, drugs, violence) are not that much different that what kids dealt with in previous generations.  Just because something was taboo back then doesn't mean it wasn't as prevalent then.  (Teen pregnancy rates have actually gone DOWN nationally since the early 1990s.  There is also little difference in alcohol & drug abuse rates; only the TYPES of drugs preferred and the ensuing behavior are different.)  Personally, I think it's actually a good thing that these issues are discussed more openly and frankly because it becomes much easier to deal with and resolve as opposed to just "sweeping them" under the rug.

  8. Well I'd say violence is number one. Number two is pregnancy/drugs and number three is idiot teachers who don't know the work themselves. Can't even count the times I've sent the teachers' notes back to the school with my corrections of her misspellings highlighted.

  9. body issues.

    girls/guys thinking their too fat or skinny.

  10. no doubt, self confidence

  11. Chuck Norris.

  12. When they get through school, they will not have been prepared to live in the world they will find themselves in.

  13. I agree with the person that said self confidence

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